19. Issac L/N

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There are spoilers from book five, Order of the Phoenix.

Here's just a bit of a bio for Issac and a brief backstory.

Full name:
Issac Daniel L/N

Date of Birth:
October 1st 1977

Godric's Hollow

Looks: His faceclaim is Leonardo DiCaprio, here are some photo references.
Childhood years:

 Childhood years:

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Hogwarts years:

Post-Hogwarts years:

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Post-Hogwarts years:

Post-Hogwarts years:

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Alder wood, unicorn hair, eleven and a half inches

Polar bear

Occupation:Gryffindor Chaser (retired)One of the owners of Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes

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Gryffindor Chaser (retired)
One of the owners of Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes

Family (immediate):
Steven L/N (father)
Joyce L/N née Travers (mother)
Y/N L/N or Black (younger adoptive brother)

Issac is a very laid back guy, he's almost exactly the same as Fred and George, mischievous, funny and very sociable. However, Issac is a bit more mature than them and can see when the pranking crosses a line. He's a very protective person, especially around Y/N and makes sure he is the best older brother possible. Although it isn't clearly shown in the series, Issac is quite popular with the girls, however, when it comes to romantics, he's a little bit hopeless. Although sometimes he can be quite flirty, most of the time he sticks to small gestures such as hand holding or hugs. He's not a very PDA type of person and prefers to keep his romantic life private. Issac has always been a very intelligent person, although it isn't very much shown, he excels in many of his classes. His favourite lesson has always been Transfiguration and he has always achieved the top marks in McGonagall's classes. Many people see Issac as a sweet, lovable sweetheart who is very mischievious and not afraid to have a good time.

Issac was the first and only child of Steven and Joyce L/N. For the first years of his life, he lived a pretty good childhood, but it only got better when his adoptive brother Y/N joined his life. The two of them shared a bond that neither had with anyone else. The both balanced each other out and rarely ever argued, they were the perfect brothers. Growing up, Issac always made sure no one picked on Y/N and if they did, they would have to answer to him and the Weasley twins. Throughout Y/N's Hogwarts years, Issac has always kept an eye out for him and will always talk to his younger brother if need be. This is one of the reasons Y/N's supposed 'death' affected him greatly, he felt like it was his responsibility to protect Y/N and he failed which lead him to believe that he was a horrible older brother. Even through Y/N is currently undergoing his mission as a Double Agent, Issac will always have his best interests at heart and will always make Y/N's wellbeing a key priority.

Feel free to drop any questions or anything else you want to know about Issac in the comments, there might be a few since I didn't focus much on him and his character!

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