chapter 3:Childhood .

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My childhood wasn’t pleasant, but it wasn't awful either. My mother contracted the draining a few months after I was born. She used to live at the medical station. I was told my mother wasn't around much when I was a baby, but once she was stable, she moved
back home. She started holding me in her arms for long periods of time. She never let me out of her sight. She didn't even notice her symptoms subsiding. It wasn’t noticed until months later, but I was unconsciously sharing my mana with her. When my parents
discovered this, they ran me over to the doctors to make sure I was okay. They were informed that I had a sizeable amount of mana. And the amount I was sharing wasn't significant enough to cause harm. But mom wasn’t sure, and dad was left convincing her, but
he promised to find an alternative. Me and my mom grew close in my younger years, she wasn’t sick as often and I started 1st school. I was one of the best in my class, but I didn't make a lot of friends. Although, I was close with all my neighbors.  Especially
Ms. Prema, she would come over with her siblings every day when I was little to play and talk with mom. She was like a big sister. If I had any problem growing up, I didn't want to burden mom with it, I talked to her. Old man Kevin from down the street taught
dad how to scavenge; he was like a father to him. Ms. Jarma taught me how to cook and bake; her apple pies are to die for.  Dad made some friends in the guild while scavenging all day.  He was introduced to them by old man Kevin after a job. They taught him
self- defense and improved his meat preparation and preservation skills. They told him about a watering hole, he could bring mom to once a day for treatment. Apparently, it was connected to a middles class healing spring. It will eventually dry up, but for
now. I kept mom alive with magic infusions. Dad’s guild friends helped him get accepted into a cooking school. He’s always wanted to become a magic chef. It was his dream ever since he was little kid, but he wasn't allowed too. The academies had just started
allowing men into specialty designated school. Men could always attend regular academies, but not the specialty schools like military, medicine, law, literature, cooking etc. The equal men’s movement was born around this time. They were trail blazers who wanted
equality.  They wanted men to be able to be anything they wanted. Especially, if they had the skills and determination to go after it. No one knew who the leader was, but they had a plan in the works that would help amend the law allowing for men to be in
the army. It succeeded and it gave all the men of the kingdom a sense of hope that things were moving in the right direction. Unfortunately, a small territorial war broke out with the neighboring kingdom around this time. And no one noticed a small loophole
added to the amended law “for men to join the army as equals, they had to be 1st be called to war. And once they joined, they would never be discharged” So, most of the men who joined the army because they wanted too, for the reserve funds (the financial aid
provided to their families) and the men who joined in solidarity died.  Women soldiers came in droves all over the kingdom enlisting every man who signed up for the army. Then leading them out to battle. Unfortunately, this was the one thing that both nobles
and lowers class had equality in. Thier was a public outcry and the queen at the time denied any knowledge or involvement in this sublime miscarriage of justice. An investigation was launched to find the culprit; there was a group who claimed responsibility
The anti-men faction. 

After the war was over, the country was in a state of fear, exhaustion, anger and depression.  We weren't prepared for the economic, physical and mental strain on the country.  The men were used as cannon fodder. While the women who were trained to fight, won
the battles. This was clearly a warning from the anti-men faction, telling all men of this kingdom where their place is. Showing this country that they were expendable otherwise. This crushed the equal men’s momentum, and my father died in the line of duty.
He had signed up for the reserves for financial aid for our family. My dad was snatched away from me, my mom and his dream. He never got to live his life. I found out on my way home from school. I remember that day so vividly. It was a normal walk home from
school, but I remember it being eerily quiet that day. When I reached the middle of town, I didn't understand what I was seeing. Everyone was just standing around in front of the bulletin board, but no one was making a sound. Some people were on the ground
just scattered about crying silently or staring into the sky. Thats when I saw my mother in the middle of town curled up. I’d come to understand later that a list of the dead was posted up on the town bulletin board. I started walking over to my mother, but
she started weeping and I froze. She was like that for hours, and I just stood there and watched her; I couldn’t move. She then passed out. Thats when feeling finally returned to my limns. I rushed over to her and screamed out for help old man Kevin and big
sis Prema helped me bring her to the medic station. Mom had consumed too much energy in her grief. The doctor had to put her in a medically induced coma. She was relapsing. I had to be hooked up to a machine to give her constant infusions. Luckily, she stabilized.
The medical stations were filled up in most districts. There were a lot of similar cases coming in. My mom's mind was put into a magic dreamscape to keep her mind active as were the others.  One night when I was infusing her, I discovered a way into her dream,
and we ended up helping each other through our grief.  I visited her every day for a month before we both went home. After that I got into a routine but, my days dragged on: scavenging for remains, giving infusion, and sleeping. I hardly had time for anything
else, I had stopped going to school.  My only solace was my second family, my community. They held me and mom up. I thought they were my rock before, but now they're everything. They were there for us in some bad times, but we never went hungry, drowned in
depression, or didn't have a place to rest our heads. Ms. Prema is the town’s seamstress and the older sister from next door. She takes care of all 3 of her siblings. She still takes the time to check in on my mom throughout the day, whenever I am on a job.
Her siblings are smart. They want to get into the top academies: Phillip wants to be a poet, Amelia a researcher and Emily a military officer. Mr. Kevinn the old man down the street is a butcher and retired hunter: he teaches me his trade for my scavenging.
He also lets us stay with him when it's too cold out. Ms. Jarma cooks for the entire Neiborhood every 4 days with the food her grand-daughter Maybell hunts She studying to be a magic chef. I learned which beast were safe to eat from her and the old man. Then
there's Lilly and Lyon, the only kids around my age twins they live across the street their orphans. They are adventurers now, saving up to go to a hunter’s academy.