Chapter 18 End: Cruella vs Regina part 2

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then I put on my best-composed face and said "WHAT", she kept laughing and I screamed at her "WHATTT" she said the words that I dreaded my entire life I have your mother my heart dropped and I started whaling on her asking "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" this repeated for a while "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WHERE IS SHE " she finally responded when looked like id kill her with my bare hands she started explaining and said the proof was in the letter she opened it and I read it. I stopped her and realized I could just use her heart to get the absolute truth out of her I was too delirious before. She said this was all last minute plan when she heard her people were getting arrested she arranged a drop-off or exchange point for herself and my mom as a last resource if all else fail and if she could get her. I removed the dome we started walking I gave her command to stay by my side I started thinking about all we worked for and fought for everything was finally coming together and now because of me, it could all come tumbling down because of my mother. I don't give in to ultimatums they never work out so I decided at that moment I may be able to control Cruella but I can't control the people who have my mother so I would turn Cruella over and use the information she gave me to save my mother on my own consequences be dam also left my friends out of it, this is my responsibility they have cruel factions and Cora to deal with" I hope mother okay" I thought. my people parted the way with confusion on their faces as I walked with a free beaten and alive Cruella through them instead of rushing her to jail or assembly house, I go over to my friends tell them what going on and not to interfere to many hands are in this already. I contacted the guards I left with my mother we teleported over and I rush over to them yelling "what the hell happened" I started wavering and thinking " it all can't go down like this Cruella just gonna run off to her mother side, help her and their just gonna come back bigger and worse than ever and with no word on Cora yet" I screamed " ughhhh" I haven't heard from my people in Borus yet about Cora I kept getting angrier at myself by the second I was so close and I fell short. Despair was written all over my face, I and Cruella swapped places. She has the biggest grin on her face next thing I know she whistles and the bushes start moving I panic thinking maybe this was an elaborate trap and lie. am hoping to god am right and moms safe. I was ready to fight and crush her heart with my bare hands right now, that's when my people came out the bushes and my anger anxiety, and panic dissipated and I burst out into tears of joy my spirit rose as Cruella's dropped we switched again. My mom came out first next Maleficent, Emma, Crystal, and Arthur. Cruella'ss men came out in chains dragging behind them black and blue all over. I put them all in magic chains I created and I started laughing she started screaming saying my mother will save me Mal came out and up in her face saying she used her company influence in Borus to push the right buttons and people and implicated Cora she fell out of her favor and was cast out she's being transported here for trial and sentencing, unfortunately, we never discovered her hook in their royals. Cruella finally shut up I whispered in her ears "your done bitch" I gave Cruella heart-specific command so she told me anything else I was missing out and I made her unable to lie during her trial and then I kept her heart with me for safekeeping. She was sentenced to life in prison because no one died so no execution all her honor and wealth were stripped she was her worse nightmare a lowly commoner even less because of her ruined reputation. We had all evidence we needed to convict her we presented it in the assembly and exonerated me. her male slave consort testified against her it was the final nail in her coffin her loyalty spell was banned and sealed away in the castle archives with all other forbidden spells.

After this incident Zelana steps down from royal speaker and realizes her true calling, the queen recommended her to be the head of the prosecution and law department of the kingdom, and Alfred got appointed to the royal speaker because he was always 2nd in line for the job after her he always wanted it he loved speaking and history and literature he even applied for a professorship at the academies and guilds. He put together all document and speeches we used and was recognized for her talent and effort this job, his recognition and these opportunities was something he thought he'd never get with his gender so he didn't dare dream or voice it. Cruella was removed from the crown races obviously she was imprisoned. Ruby was now starting her demi town project with tink as liaison and was promoted to head of all military outside and inside with robin as her right-hand head of intelligence and shadow work he actually gained new skill ruby bought him a rare stone in congratulation of his promotion he now possesses shadow magic. My Mentors were amazing during this entire process their families are cured and they got co-right on the cure and was used as my witness and evidence after the fact along with the church who is now indebted to me.  Alan opening up and art guild and gallery for all art students with magic related to it. he was even commissioned for the queens and crown princess'  portrait. I have formally been sworn in as a royal advisor to the queen advisor usually interchangeable per queen they decide to keep you on or bring in their own people and I have also been appointed as the head of the magician squads that serve the crown and country in all crisis and daily needs, have joined multiple guilds am going to live my life, and have some fun with not a care in the world. mom and Arthur are dating Emma joined the medicine guild she's going to be a magic doctor and a free branch of the church to keep her independence but still learn holy magic. Mal still ruling the world expanding her business with Ursula into Demi territory she going with ruby for her project. Were now all one big happy family healthy safe and amazingly loved.