Chapter 4: My childhood part 2

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Current day

I sit in this dark and dank cell. I’m soar and aching all over. I’m only being fed periodically. I released all my frustration out into a loud scream "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I also did this to annoy the guards.  I sit in meditation to restore
my strength and Centre my mind. I’ve finished interrogating the servants. I'm pretty sure I know who is behind all this now.


The queen of justice announced on the day of her coronation, that she will be striving for democracy because she believes that this country's class system and monarchy is holding it back. Even though this won’t get rid of the prejudice and hate right now, it
will lessen over time. She wants this country to progress forward. She wants her citizens to be independent and have the right to voice their own opinions and concerns. This is the goal she hopes to achieve by the end of her reign. This would be a permanent
change, and no future queen could change it, unless every person in the kingdom agreed to it. She is also planning on enacting a merit base system, to hopefully lessen corruption. There were so many things that could have been prevented, if all of this had
been put into action sooner. Maybe my dad would still be alive. My dad didn't want to participate in the war, but this was a mandatory call to arms by law. Before my dad left, we had a long talk about my hopes, his dreams, mom’s health, and our family’s future.
He promised he’d return, and I engraved his features in my mind. He had black wavy hair, tan skin, big nose, long lashes, as mom would say lushes'' lip and cute ears. He topped it all off with some nerdy classes. He had small stature and barely any muscles.
He was lean but fit mainly because of his hunts. Most male nobles and merchants went into hiding during the enlistment period. They either gave bribes or fled. Leaving was difficult; the guards were stationed all along the perimeter of the kingdom. You would
need to cross enemy territory to escape.  

The grief shook this country. We had so many deaths. Which became a Dominoe effect to more deaths by the draining. Whether it was relapses or new cases from magical beats exposure. Magical beasts were coming out of the woodwork during the war. Prolonged exposure
to magical beasts' excretions mainly from corpses as miasma; causes the draining. Some were even able to enter higher class districts using the entrances made by the invading forces. When mom was put into a coma. I basically lived at a hospital; it was an
easier commute. It put my mind at ease staying with her, rather than going home to an empty house. The war caused a major food shortage. Most were being sent out to the battlefield. Many citizens were living off government rations and whatever they could farm
in their backyard.  Most food establishments shut down during the war because of safety concerns; so, jobs were scarce. A lot of businesses decided to stay closed until the war ended. Whenever that was.  Our stipend used to be dropped off at the house every
month. I remember thinking I couldn’t wait until my dad came home. Everything would go back to normal.  The country would rebuild, the next queen would help the lower districts. Dad goes off to cooking school and maybe joins a guild. We could even afford to
redo the house and be able to afford higher quality medicine for mom. Mom could go back to work part-time. And all the men would come home safe and sound. We ‘d become a normal everyday family. I just kept telling myself once the war was done. Everything would
be fine. Little did I know how naive I was. My mom couldn't work anymore. She’d been a blacksmith since she left the orphanage with my dad, but she had to cut back on her hours since she got sick.  Mom loved her job she always said it was her calling. She
refused to give up even when she was sick. She used to be one of the best blacksmiths in her guild. Thats why the guild made an exception for her. Her value out wayed the cost, but now with her latest relapse. They couldn’t afford to keep her, so she was suspended
until further notice. The blacksmith guild provided all high-end weapons for the army. When Mom woke up, she said that the probability of her creating anymore high-quality weapons had decreased significantly. She could barely stand now. So, she agreed to the
suspension. Also, because she didn't want even her worse creations used in this war.  Her being a sick single parent who couldn't support us now was a daunting outcome.  We had to sell most of our possessions, but we were able to maintain a basic living with
the help of our community and dad’s funds.  He was saving up to go to the cooking academy.  Mom and I argued about using it and his army money. I refused to use his blood money. I was going to burn it, but mom stopped me. She grabbed me and held me right in
front of her and looked me in my eyes then said “I am your mother, and it is my job to keep you safe and take care of you. Dear, I’m sorry, but I Know best.” I dove into her arms and started crying; she held me so tight.