chapter 16: Cruella Gatcha

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Everything tumbled like a stack of bricks or dominoes all falling into to place I watched over it all watching and listening in case they needed back up. Instant messaging system Ursula gave to us she gave us trial access for this mission created it works via magic any kind and the magic pillar erected around the kingdom. This is how we stayed in contact with each other. Everyone was nicely prepared and ready especially with a boost in power everyone got from the stones from the church we spent a couple of days cultivating to increase strength as much as possible for any outcome. all allies of Cruella have left them either being captured or turned, her money being removed so she has no funds to escape with meaning she would have to come back and look for a high-value item to take and sell. she should only have her servant slave at her side now he will turn on his own once he sees a way out form his miserable existence. she has a small force protecting her so there will be a fight. This all took a couple of days we pretended to calm down as to lure Cruella out of hiding because interrogation wasn't working.

This was taking too long and I was getting fed up I wanted to throw the book at them all. I could at least respect the ones that stayed loyal the turned ones are snakes unless they're under her spell.

We kept explaining to them all the situation they were in but there was all blind robot some wavered when we mentioned their loved one I notice a symbol flashed in their eyes a royal magic symbol that's when I realized Cruella must have used premature royal spell in combination with her own I looked through her lab notes and found it loyalty. It's unstable for the Victims because Cruella hasn't been crowned queen yet she used her incomplete royal magic it's harming the spell she combined it with because it's incomplete the spell isn't eternal so it doesn't last long but the closer you are to the caster the more potent the spell her royal magic isn't complete or stable meaning not safe combining with a charm spell using dar magic its a perfect storm everything going wrong but its also all going right.

Cruella crafted a spell called loyalty depending on the degree of casting it can go from charm to obsession that's how she keeps most of her people in line with her trust issues it no surprise if I don't get her she has a powder keg on her side with all her subordinates ready to rampage at all times especially that kid always by her side will burst at any moment but he's not under her spell but his pent up resentment and feeling about to explode and it will be the downfall of her own making. I found him on 1st day of our plan and instead of capturing him I released him from her contract and let him go as the final trump card I offered him a haven he refused I then whispered in his ears everything he already knew if I don't get Cruella he will and I'll be satisfied with that she was way worse to him. Some of her nobles started catching on to their fellow's weird behavior and using their own personal spies they found out about the spell charm, it seems the spell doesn't require permission so she can cast it on anyone but she only needs to use on a few of the leaders and they'll control their sheep. she focused on those she knows will dessert her if a better prospect comes along. Its a simple touch spell to keep them in line and by her side no matter what she does whether against their interest, family, etc.  they have complete blind faith and loyalty that's the spell, of course, is fueled by her dark magic. it's very close to the spell she used on the camping trip. She must have developed it meaning it can be broken by overwhelming love light and holy magic maybe healing as well. The spell doesn't work on people who don't feel at least applicable to the caster. So I gathered their loved ones and use my light magic I even asked the church for some of their people just in case I wasn't successful h. Most of their minds were cleared once they came out of their fog we explained to the situation as a group they all defected to our side some for safety, others revenge the reason didn't matter we got more information on Cruella plans especially her escape route to get to Cora and information on Borus to remove Cora in the future. We even got some info on her hideout search parties went out.

The spell is perpetual as long as the person has mana and it lessens farther you are from the caster and gets stronger (on-off dormant)when closer. all the people we liberated explained how it felt to be under the spell it was as if Cruella was their everything and what she wanted was what they wanted she was the most important thing to them even from far away it felt like the underlying subliminal message they should keep in mind or adhere to when their loyalty increase to obsession once in her presence but because do not harm master act she embedded in the spell she was safe relatively speaking. Apparently, there were some kidnappings, and unnecessary things were done to her because they always wanted to please her she was furious at the side effect or symptoms and concerned for years. she decided to release the more radical ones and the ones she tricked into helping and to use as little magic as possible in the spell to work but not to overboard making it less potent to avoid problems going forward but it wasn't 100%. There were ones under the spell too long and needed long-term treatment for their madness before they went completely insane the church took them in for treatment. I assume after a long period of time and distance from Cruella and a close up with their family and loved ones they'll make a full recovery and be healed

I had just heard from ruby they found Cruella hiding place I came via teleport. . Luckily because of our quick strategy, Cruella had no time to come back she couldn't even reorganize because we were ripping up her faction from the roots. She didn't have enough time between the trials and recess, especially after we only took a few days to mount a counter-attack. we moved to fast this was a part of my plan as well, don't give her time to breathe. Which is probably why she's scurrying around like a rat in this hobble she wouldn't be caught dead in if not for her survival. I bust down the down all the doors using wind magic and set the place ablaze I surround the hovel I refuse to chase after her she's have gonna come and meet me or rather run right to me. I'll lure her out, myself I waited patiently she came tumbling out the house before it went completely up in smoke I laughed she's in the far off in the slums, in the wood of all things she hates  I say " you pretentious bitch" under my breath but this was a smart hideaway because I wouldn't have look for her here. Cruella gets up and looks at me still with fire in her eyes ready to fight thinking she can still come out on top.