End Part 1 Chapter 9

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Still in my cage going on 2 months now use to bland food, the little human contact the silence, and isolation they put me in an empty prison block to prevent me from having any contact with anyone because it a secret that i am here in the first place. My plan will be put into action soon. My personal fairs are in order for my mothers has been moved into hiding one of robin's brother studying to be a nurse will administer her the antidote but I have to get to her in time to see if it successful and stabilize her if needed. Then I will explain what is happening i also deployed 2 bodyguards from my service. My protection and information network was recruited from the slum people who I grew up and trusted who wanted a better life for themselves and their loved ones I hired most I sent to the schools and guilds to get the proper training to be of use to me. My home lab tech and nurse for my mom was one of them they were employed since my academy days it was the same person studying to be a nurse he hadn't decide on what he wanted to do as of yet so he did a lot robin recommended as his smartest brother and one of his merry men from my time I recognized him too it was little Paul he used to be a chubby kid now he just long. I officially wrote him a recommendation to the academy for science after the cure was finished he was starting next year.

Honestly find out this was all cruella wasn't surprising but vexing we haven't been in any contact for at least 2 years can't she just leave me alone I understand I indirectly got in her way but she the cause of my mother sickness so she got in mine first. I think she's been holding a grudge since the final say on graduation we were co-valedictorians I won on merit she used her pull because she wasn't that far behind me. "Your pathetic the only way you could get to my level is by underhanded methods and pulls not actually being better "when I whispered that in her ear after the ceremony she couldn't even respond I hoped I smashed her superiority complex. I was surprised at her paled face full of frustration anger and what I wanted to see from the first moment I met her defeat. We got extra awards for our 2 years on the student council as well with Zelana as president and Cruella vice president she didn't actually run with any drive because she said she didn't want the job she isn't that interested in being a small time queen and she doesn't need practice either. She the kind of person who can't cater to others needs if it doesn't benefit her more than what she's putting in and she still had her big-time research projects this is just for merit and awards at graduation she said. She and Zelana had a private conversation about everything that would happen after the election they discussed the rest of the year. Zelana told me how she acted and what she said Cruella was up on her high horse said she'll do what she supposed to do nothing more or less. So Zelana didn't count on her and she was a great president that does for her students. It kind of baffles me how civil cruella can be with Zelana who she hates and indifferent towards but when it come to me all bet are off cause I shattered her life. She told me once if I was never born all my achievement would be hers and I told her "no they wouldn't you'd be the same and someone else would eventually come along and be better then you at something cause you're not great at everything and you'd act the same way, you're the problem Cruella, not anybody else you'" 'They both appointed the rest of the members of the council Emma was the treasurer both years along with me as the secretary and Malas student liasson and Cruella hired the rest.

At graduation ruby, mal, and Alfred came back to watch us get ourcommendations. I exchanged my merits for a rank increase, magic stone and moneyI got a lot merit for my research valedictorian place and student council Inever wanted to run for any president or vice in any club because i don't likebeing a leader sometimes in charge but it involves too much extra work and you'reresponsible for people. We got our pick of jobs because a lot came out torecruit us at the job fair after the ceremony. Zelena joined the literatureguild and law started as a lawyer and was promoted to the speaker of the assembly. Theassemble use to be A royal congressional of noble houses and for the lastcouple of years, commoner representatives have joined. Cruella and I were made Royalmagic scientist and joined many guilds. I and cruella have only interacted overthe years at science conferences where all science-related colleagues come toshare and comment on your colleague's work. It seemed she hadn't forgottenabout as I have her out of site out of mind. It seems i made too much of an impressionon her in our school days. Well, that enough reminiscing about my past, I'vealready figured out how i am going to get out of here and my peaceful days are nowover it time to deal with the present and stop looking back in the past. Cruellawill rue the day she messed with me am gonna rip her heart out when this is allsaid and done and no one gonna stops me.