chapter Part 5: the cell 3

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I am back in the dungeon. I've been here for about a month and a half in counting. It's hard to keep track. The only reason I know the time of day is because of the light streams coming through the bars. This tells me when it's morning, afternoon, evening,
or night. I also have my 1-day mealtime like clockwork around midday. I refuse to sit on my hands and twiddle my thumbs. I will destroy their everything, if it is the last thing I do.  As the days go by my plans grow more complex. I started getting into contact
with more people from the outside. Getting them up to speed on what I know and discovering what they know.   I was thinking of systematically assassinating everyone in my way until I was free and clear; but that would be too messy and make me as evil as my
enemies. Besides a quick death is too good for them. They deserve to be alive writhing in agony and despair. I have been reading the reports from my network.  They have been keeping me informed.  They discovered that I had been caught up in the fight for the
throne. The current head of this operation is the 4th princess Cruella. She wanted to be Crown princess and future queen of Aureus.  She wanted to use my cure and research to leash this kingdom. She wanted her subjects to be reliant on the crown, therefore
making her the most needed and most important person in the kingdom.  And with her holding the cure hostage no one could disobey her. She also had plans in the works for keeping the country always in danger.  All so she could justify her actions to the public
and give her reason enough to declare martial law. She always planned to put whoever found the cure under her thumb. She was a scientist in her own right so she could take the lead over their research once all their work was turned over. She joined together
with the remainder of co-conspirators of the anti-men faction. She also has some connection with the territorial war we had with Borus, but she was too young at the time. She must have at least had an older official in their government in her family's pocket.
Turns out Borus wanted to take over our kingdom and the territorial war was supposed to be their 1st victory. Borus is a matriarchal society like our kingdom. They didn't want our new Queen views and laws to infect and pollute the minds of their populus.
Unfortunately, they lost the battle which in turn bred what they feared. The citizens wanted change and equal rights.  Borus tried to put out a small flame by trying to annihilate this kingdom, but in turn all they did was fuel the flame that would burn them
all down. Thiers even a resistance forming in their country as we speak.

So, from all of this I have deduced that Cruella has joined hands with Borus and the anti-men faction. For how long and when I don't know. Once they succeeded, they planned to rebuild this country from scratch in their own image. This information was obtained
over weeks of listening to conversation, stealing documents, and interrogating lower-level servants within the faction. I even discovered more about the mole they placed in my lab. They were assigned to watch over and report back on any progress I'd made.
Apparently, they gussied up to Amelia. So, when she asked me to hire them, I didn't think too much about it.  I’d just graduated with honors from the academy. I was on a high, after being praised as the best of my generation in my field. I was also awarded
my lab. I was in a hurry to get started so I wasn't all that cautious about hiring staff. 

I was never friendly with my lab assistants and colleagues while I was working at the academy and that hasn't changed. Whenever I worked, I was always laser focused with one track mine. I blocked everything else out. Luckily all my important documents were
smuggled out and the rest were locked up in my home lab safe. Which only a select few new about, but no one has access to. This was probably related to the break-in at my home a month or so ago.  Whether they broke in to steal something, to plant something
or to find something I didn’t know. MY research in general wasn't a secret. However, the inner working of my process was. My results, my notes, my failures, and my pending experiments. They had pieces of them all, but not enough of my data to compile anything
of use, but theories. I hadn't put my final drafts inside yet when the break-in happened. So, once I did, I changed its location. This spy could have easily just destroyed all my research whenever I had it out in the open at the lab, but why did she wait so
long to make her move. I suspect she must have been ordered to just observe and report until the rest of their plan was set into motion. I am glad she waited until this point in my research to make her move for my mother's sake. And now that my findings have
been sent off to the church everything is falling into place.