Chapter 17: Cruella vs Regina part 1

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I finally come face to face with Cruella she gets up dust herself off I tell everyone to stand back and not to interfere I knew she was gonna bait me into a 1 on1 and am fine with that. we fight we through spells after spells, throw in some combat ruby and robin taught me because I've always wanted to beat her up with my bare hands black and blue for the world and me to see. We go back forth she tries to escape I put up a shield around us saying "their only one way out" she is an exceptional magician she'd be even better if she had just left me alone. I tell her that she starts monologing about how she was always supposed to better than me but no one ever acknowledged it saying she was always in my shadow I cast they just pitied her always 2nd place a royal 2nd to a new noble former commoner. she included my no care attitude that made her feel small significant in my eyes I was getting all this praise and I wasn't even trying or caring and this made her hate me even more like she was just a bug or annoying nuisance buzzing around my head. she said whenever we met eyes she always saw the fire in her eyes reflected back at her but overall the actual competition against her nothing was in mine when I looked at her. She went on about how it was supposed to be the other way around but no matter how hard she tried she hardly ever beat me and trying to forget me never worked I was always in her line of sight or rearview with my accomplishment so she decided she would just remove be entirely from the equation. I started getting angry furious livid because my fire magic was out of control because her reasoning was so pathetic to me that was all her personal problem "god dammit" I screamed my magic increased with my emotions and I had her on the ropes in a chokehold I started screaming with so much fury in my voice "that the reason you did all this you stupid bitch if you'd get over yourself and left me alone everything would be fine your right I didn't care about you in the slightest back then ha I was hardly even trying to compete with you most times you were nuisance I had my goal and no one was going to stop me for achieving it especially not you with your interchangeable inferiority and superiority complexes" she was on her knees no I dropped her fed up with it all. she then flipped personalities on me I thought she was going to harp on the fact she was trying her best and I wasn't and I still won as soon as I said it I saw a change in her eyes I can't believe this is the result. at my feet she started begging for mercy she pleading, bribing, I don't respond she gets desperate and a little cocky she sees her subordinates outside and ask for help she hasn't realized that her spell been lifted. So am sure she's waiting for them to stab me in the back. her pompous attitude rears its ugly head She starts listing off her allies and relies on her status as a royal to deter me from killing her. She starts ranting about how she will get ways with this and how she covered I finally get annoyed enough to burst her bubble and tell her I lifted her spell and the queen already aware I sent word once I new of your location. She drop-dead silent she then looks out at her subordinates again and the look I've been waiting for washed over her face 1st defeat she realizes her situation then despair comes after knowing shes done for.  I start explaining her situation to her as my smile grows hers sinks. I tell her I lifted most of her loyalty spells, removed her money, escape roots, and insurance policies with Borus Cora will be done for soon enough. She mentions her lovely manservant I respond saying you mean the one you treated like utter trash and pushed into a slave contract she looked shocked I knew. I said " I saw him earlier today turns out he did love you but now that's your spell and contract gone that love turned to hate you know what that means she finally burst into tears and curls up into fettle position on the ground her screams echoed in the dome music to my ears relief and satisfaction washes over me it's almost over. I ask for any last words she attacks desperately hoping I would put her out of her misery with a quick death but I don't take the bait she gonna suffer and get what she deserves I want her to sit in endless suffering for what she put me and my family through. I cast a nightmare spell where it re-enacts the worst moment of her life for eternity on repeat in a forever slumber maleficent made the spell for me I adjusted it to a nightmare it won't activate until after her trial and confession. I levitate her in the air halfway thought her attack and reach into her chest and pulled out her heart,  I squeezed for a while and watched her thrashed around in agony before I finally cast the spell on it.
I stop squeezing because a message arrives via carrier pigeon. She then started laughing the temperature dropped a sinking feeling came over me and a foreboding atmosphere settled.

 I can't read the letter only she can a sinking feeling washes over me and I ask her she finally gets to her feet unsteady she leans over and says "I'd say you shouldn't be alarmed but I'd be lying darling"