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I asked her to get shakes with me after school, i heard that was one of the only things to do in this town.

I moved here a couple days ago but today was my first day of school, that girl talking to Aspen seemed kinda mean but that guy who defended her seemed cool, even though she said he's not.

I couldn't help but think maybe they used to be something, i'm not sure, anyway, i was standing outside of the school waiting for Aspen.

Crowds of teenagers young and old emerged from the school all at once and in the distance i saw a glimpse of her red hair.

I start pushing through the moving people to get to her but a blonde girl stops me.

"Quinton is it?" she asks, i look over her head to see if i can still see Aspen and i can, she's walking towards the bus stop.

"Yeah it is, look i gotta-" i try to walk past her but she stops me again.

"You don't want to go out with her" She's says abruptly, two guys walk towards aspen.

I saw them earlier.

"I'm Gabi" The blonde says and places her hand on my chest.

"And i'm not into blondes" I push her hand off as she scoffs, i start running through the students but i've lost track of Aspen and before i know it she's gone.

The white city bus pulls up to the stop but there's no one to pick up.

I sigh and start walking back towards the main doors to out in the parking lot to my car, wondering if she was alright, and where she had disappeared to.

Bully//Chase HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now