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Mark came home with a wide smile, causing the curiosity in Taeyong rised up high. He kept on sniffing the hoodie all way to the living room, the color made all of the members eyes were on him.

"Whose hoodie is that? I thought you didn't want to wear bright color ?" Taeyong asked, folding his arms.

"I, I just feel like I wanted it that's why—"

Jaemin cut him off. "Actually, his shirt was spilled by coffee and the girl lend him her hoodie."

Mark felt like he was about to explode. "I mean, he's not wrong though." Chenle continued. Johnny teased him lightly.

"So, what's her name?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh come on, man. She's—"

"Her name's Younghee." Jeno said. Mark pinched his nose bridge and sighed heavily. "Y'all can stop teasing me and I'd say thank you."

Suddenly, Doyoung came in with Jungwoo with a full of rush. "Taeyong, important thing! Someone just broke into our mansion!" Doyoung ran out of breath.

"Jaehyun, collect our men and make sure to prepare our sharp shooters and assasin. Jungwoo, prepare extra bullets. Jisung and Jaemin, both of you can try to check the CCTV and some datas if needed."

All of them parted ways to wear their bulletproof vest and got ready to move to the garage.

"Mark, you wanna come?" Mark shook his head.

"I don't feel like it, I'll just be in with Jisung and Jaemin in their room."

Taeyong was adjusting his vest as he ran down to the garage. "Well then, wish our luck and inform us if there's anything suspicious." Mark plopped on the bean bag as he buried his head deeply in it.

"Jisung, just call me anytime you need me."

"Aight, bro."

Not long after that, Mark drifted to his deep sleep.

"What did I told you about bringing animals to home?" President Cho asked sternly.

Younghee was holding the kitten with a very visible frown.

"Why can't I? Yong is so cute." She played with it fur. President Cho sighed and smiled softly.

"Okay, okay. Keep it then."

Younghee squealed excitedly as she ran to the bathroom happily. "Aunt Nam, let's wash Yongie together!" Aunt Nam giggled at Younghee's reaction.

"Take the small bathtub. But, is Yong has any special bodywash?" Younghee nodded and ran to her room.

After some minutes, she came back down with some cat's bodywash and also some special towels.

"Let's bath, Yongie!" Aunt Nam and Younghee laughed a lot. They really had fun washing Yong with full of love.

Meanwhile, President Cho was busy checking his data inside of his computer. "What's wrong with my datas? Why is there so many viruses ?" He massaged his temple and immediately called his people.

"Sangyeon. Come here quickly and also don't forget to bring the others."

"Is there any problems?"

"It is and you better come here."

"Who the fuck just stole my personal data?" He punched the table repeatedly till he groaned in pain. Suddenly, Younghee ran upstairs to her father's office.

"Papa, are you okay?" She asked worriedly, he shot up his head to meet his worried daughter.

"There's nothing you need to worry about, Lirio." Younghee smiled as she heard the nickname.

"It's been awhile since I heard that name." President Cho laughed.

"It's only been two days since we came back and you already missed that name." Younghee sat on one of the couch inside the small office.

"Anyways, you still haven't got any missions?" Younghee asked seriously. Her inner assasin jumped out when she saw some documents about her father's new people.

"About missions, I haven't spotted any huge problems yet."

Younghee took the documents on the table and read all the biodatas of the new mafia members.

"The Boyz, ranked 12th in whole South Korea. Consisting with 11 attractive boys that can lure everyone in their trap easily." Younghee flipped the pages and of course, she was mesmerized by all of the visuals.

"The youngest one is the same age with me, how interesting."

Younghee gasped as she saw the face of Younghoon. "This guy looked familliar, isn't it papa?" President Cho laughed.

"He was the one who helped you escaping from our rivals back then in Spain."

She just nodded. "If they're already here, just tell me. I want to thank Younghoon for saving me last year or else I'd get exploded." She laughed and left the office.

"Maybe or maybe not, we're going to launch our first mission." President Cho smiled devilishly, as he searched for the hackers who hacked his personal and important datas.

"Mark, wake up you sleepyhead!" Jaemin threw a cushion to his face causing him to jolt up with a weird pose.

"Huh, Jaemin!"

Jaemin laughed so hard that he didn't realized that Mark was launching a punch to his head.

"Ouch, that hurts." Jaemin hissed in pain. "Why are you waking me up?" He adjusted his pants while checking the ticking clock.

"It's been two hours since they started their mission and we finally found the guy who broke into our mansion."

"Go and tell Taeyong then."

"But he disconnected the earpiece, he told us to just not call them again for awhile." Mark widened his eyes.

"Stupid brother." They went to the IT room beside Jisung's room.

"How's the connection?" Jaemin pulled a chair for Mark. "Just fine, but still I can't recognize the guy. It was hella dark." Mark stood up and increased the brightness of the computer screen.

"Wait, that hair looked very familiar." He tried to zoom but it's no use. "Fuck, he really looked like someone." The guy had a somehow light brown hair with some white strips on it.

"Huh, what? How did you even see that?"

Jaemin zoomed in more. He felt really curious about the guy in the video clip. "I bet he's from a rising gang." Jisung accused as he tried to contact Taeyong.

"I only know this one rising gang in Korea, but they didn't harm anyone yet." Mark said.

"Whatever it is, we should be extra careful. At least that guy didn't steal anything from our place."

El Pecado, Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now