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President Cho's house was a total mess. Bombs and grenades were everywhere, sounds of guns were ringing through the whole mansion and right now, the leader was fighting with the older male.

Yes, Mark Lee or Lee Minhyung was punching the hell out of President Cho's face.

"Just. Die. You. Dirty. Bastard!"

He punched, kicked, strangled and smashed the older male's body with a hard wooden chair. The demon inside the bulked up man was raging like crazy, he himself couldn't control it. He kept on doing his action till someone barged into the dark room with a shock written all over his face.

"Minhyung, what the fuck are you doing?!" Haechan ran to him and stopped whatever his leader did. "Back off, Donghyuck ! We can't let this crusty old man live !"

Haechan pushed Mark away to see the unconscious man on the floor. He's still breathing, but he looked damn weak. Haechan's eyes widen, Mark really couldn't held himself that night.

To be honest, that was terrifying.

"You can stop now. Just go and I will take care of him." Mark hesitated, but decided to leave his member with the older male alone. Haechan made the male sit on a chair, tying him so that he won't leave the room when he open his eyes.

"Sorry, sir. But this is what you get from using us last time. Mark and Taeyong won't give a single fuck about it." He tapped the president's shoulder lightly after whispering those painful words, at least it was only painful to the older male.

Hendery and Lucas were kicking all the doors inside the big mansion. They were busy searching for the rumoured daughter of the president. Lucas sighed as he kicked away the mirror on the wall making it fell on the floor, shattered.

"Yo bro, calm the fuck down." Hendery was pissed too. But he was not as scary as Lucas when he's mad.

"I swear if I found that bitch I will drag her all way to the car, fuck that so-called-pretty figure." Lucas jumped from the second floor, following Hendery. They decided to go to the mansion's living room only to see all The Boyz members were alreadt knocked down on the floor.

"What the hell?"

"So you guys are late?" Mark said, sitting on the big ass couch while playing with his favourite knife.

"I knocked down six of the members, Haechan was busy handling the old man and you guys still can't spot the fucking daughter?!" He shouted, throwing the curvy knife to the window, breaking it.

Hendery gulped his non-existent saliva, Lucas was sweating badly while Haechan couldn't even move. At least they were still breathing.

"This house's fucking big, okay? I want us to find the bitch or we will dead by tomorrow, understood?"

The three of them nodded. Mark should see their faces behind the mask, they all were terrified to death.

Younghee's POV

No shit but that Minhyung guy was so scary. I saw what he did on my papa and that was the reason why I didn't attack him. He beat my papa, roughly. I wonder what it takes to calm his demon down.

As I heard footsteps on the upper level floor, I was shaking like crazy. The way that one tall guy kicked a mirror terrified me. All of them were that strong and again I saw Minhyung knocked down all of the members, my members to be exact.

"Let's go, Cho Younghee. No need to be scared just relax."

"Wait, it's time to take a revenge on papa!"

Oh yes, I need a revenge. He did me dirty eventhough I started it but oh well. And my papa looked like he was dying, I can't help but I can only just watching him from afar.

"Oh Younghee, why are you crying stop it."

I took the gun from the training room, none of the men knew where was the room so I felt kind of relieved. Suddenly, I heard a very loud explosion upstairs. I wonder how's my house condition right now. I shut my eyes, I hope it was only a gunshot sound.

I wore my head protection, like in a PUBG and my bulletproof vest. It was heavy but I couldn't care less, it was all for my members and papa.

End of Younghee's POV

"Lucas, stop calling me Minhyung it's not like anyone's here."

Mark intentionally kicked the taller male's long leg. He hissed in pain, making Hendery giggled in silent.

"Let's just use our real name, what if the girl knew what's our name that we use daily?"

Not all NCT members had more than one name. Most of the members who used more than one name were the foreigners, it was useful to Taeyong.

"Yukhei, stop it."

"And you just called me my real name."

"So, Lucas was fake?"

"It's not like that, Kunhang."

"Y'all are so—okay fine let's call each other's full name."

Without they realized, a girl appeared infront of them. Fully covered with protection as if she was in a war. Well, it was.

Haechan backed off a bit, almost tripped on the stairs. Thankfully, Hendery was there holding his wrist, they exhaled a relieved breath.

The leader was having an intense stare with the girl through their covered face. The girl was sweating so bad, trying to stable herself with the heavy vest on her surprisingly petite body.

"Minhyung, we meet again..."

"And what about that, Lirio?"

The girl scoffed, trying to come near the nervous male. He took out his curvy knife, letting the sharp stuff near her pretty neck. She stopped breathing, as the guy hold her waist steady. The position was kind of odd for them, but remembering the mission Mark couldn't care any of it.

"Come with me if you want to be safe."

Younghee chuckled seductively. The male gulped his saliva, a flashback of the night was playing inside his head like a movie of a sin he ever made. He acted like he never killed tons of people before.

"Oh my, Lee Minhyung sweetheart, you should've known me better."

With a swift, the girl kicked his leg and trapped him with her legs on the floor. He couldn't move, he stayed like that for a few second. Haechan decided to attack the girl, he ran to the girl and pushed her all way to the hard wall.

"Oh, so you, Donghyuck? Well, bold of you to do me like that."

"Shut the fuck up, bitch now follow me."

Lucas dragged her, just like what he said to Hendery. She was dragged down on the stairs, resulting her body to be crazy hurt and swollen, she could feel it.

Whimpers, cries and beggings were heard. Younghee couldn't believe she lost her braveness in a sudden click. She cried in silent, hoping her father to be safe.

El Pecado, Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now