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"Lucas, Hendery, Haechan. Taeyong called both of you." Lucas, being the unaware self of him, not taking the call seriously. Haechan and Hendery were already shaking, knowing it's related to Mark's case and mission.

"Hi, boss. How are you?" Lucas stepped into the dark room with a wide smile of his. Taeyong stood along with Jaehyun behind him.

"Three of you are surprisingly very close to Mark nowadays, so I want you guys to accompany him in his mission tomorrow night."

"What mission?"

Hendery spoke up, earning an evil grin written all over his flawless face. Jaehyun gave each of them a gun, designed perfectly with their own sign on it.

"In case you left your gun, people will know how powerful we are." Jaehyun added.

"Three of you will go and break into President Cho's mansion, I broke into his schedule system and saw The Boyz will gather there tomorrow night." He said, making all of them excited.

"All you need to do is to kidnap a member, and steal the leftover diamonds they got. Will you do that for me?"

"As you wish, Taeyong." Haechan put the gun behind his back and straightly left the room.

Mark who was eavesdropping just sighed as he left the second floor. He went to the kitchen with a heavy heart, deciding to train later at the evening.

"Cho Younghee, how many times did I tell you to not to do stupid things?!"

Younghee hung her head low, swallowing hard her father's words one by one. She got caught having a night with the NCT's leader. That stupid CCTV, she thought.

Sunwoo and Younghoon looked at her with pity in their eyes, lost at words.

"Papa, I swear that wasn't planned. It just happened like that." Defending herself, she fell on the floor weakly. Sunwoo ran to her, holding her steady.

"I know, sweetie but what if you are pregnant with my rival's child?! That bastard's blood can't run inside my future granchildren's body." He slammed the wall inside of the office making Sangyeon shut his eyes completely.

"I can just do abortion,"

"Don't you fucking dare to risk your own life, Cho Younghee."

She shut her mouth, gasping quietly. Her father was right, she can't even remember whether their sex was safe or not. She felt guilty, the eager feelings for him to be responsible on this case rose sharply.

"Let's... think about this later, sir. You need a rest." Younghoon ordered him to take a rest in his room while Sunwoo carefully took Younghee to her room.

Inside the nudish room, they spotted New and Hyunjae playing with Yong enthusiastly.

"Hey Younghee, how was it?" Hyunjae put his hand up to reach Younghee's fragile arm. She shook her head slowly making all of them felt the sad aura around her.

"Don't worry, Younghee. We're always here for you, always."

She smiled, hugging the sleeping Yong on her lap. A notification popped up on her marble screen, showing Mark's name. She ignored it, she felt dirty and sinful.

"What if my boyfriend knows this, what if he ignores me and humiliate me orー"

"No, he won't. Maybe, let's just hide this from everyone. Even if you're pregnant, we all can help you." Sunwoo caressed her soft lavender scented hair.

She cried, maybe she was a tough mafia member but she's still a girl who still doesn't know the whole world.

Suddenly, a whisper came into her ear.

Please don't cry, I am watching you from afar.

It's today. Mark didn't really prepared himself for the mission but remembering Taeyong made him shiver to death. He searched up for his personal support, Younghee on his contact list. As he tried to call her, someone already grasped away his phone in a breath.

"Yo what the hell, Johnny."

"I am sorry but this is Taeyong's order. You can't keep on contacting your girlfriend when you are on your mission. It could ruin your focus." Johnny never really liked Taeyong's idea, knowing how Mark really was.

Mark is the type that could focus easily, mainly on everything. And because of that, he was chosen to be one of the successful leader in the gang. He was actually really, really cold. He never care about love and warmness, but this Younghee girl seems to change him a lot.

"What? I mean where did he find out about my girlfriend?"

The taller guy shrugged his shoulder, walking lazily to his own office leaving the confused guy alone inside his room.

Lucas was preparing their guns and weapons along with Hendery. Haechan being himself, was busy with his favourite grenades. It seems like his grenade stocks never being empty. As Lucas was about to shoot the wood, a slam was heard from the training area.

"Oh shit, what the fuck!"

"God, Mark Lee. You scare the shit out of me!"

"You dipshit—what if this grenade dropped?!"

Everyone in the practice room were shouting at this one person. Yes, Lee Minhyung. He scratched his non-itchy-neck while smiling sheepishly, earning some deadly glares from his teammates.

"My bad, I was really nervous..."

Haechan rolled his eyes, straightly went to the black haired male infront of him. He helped him to put on his weapon inside his suits, hiding it. One thing that made NCT looked expensive and powerful was how they dressed in every mission.

Just imagine 21—soon to be 23—males breaking into some old buildings and hotels wearing various designgs of dark blue suits with expensive accessories, along with hideous masks that really covered their identity eventhough most of the Korean people already knew them.

"Your suits this time is more... complicated." Haechan said as he tighted the belt on Mark's belt that was circling his tiny waist.

"I know right, I wonder which designer that Jaehyun and Jeno went to this time." He laughed.

"So boys, let's get it shall we?"

"Wait, Jaehyun just called me." Hendery suddenly speaked up making the leader looked at him, furrowing his eyebrows.

"What did he said?"

"Change the mission. Kidnap the daughter of the old President."

El Pecado, Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now