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Mark just got back home after the almost one busy day at their club. He plopped into the soft couch along with the others while Taeyong continued to talk with Sangyeon inside the blue room.

It was almost dawn where some of them were still diving into their own bed, and some chose to stay up till the sun rise.

They should rest too.

"Mark, is that you?" Younghee's soft husky voice wakes the almost sleeping Mark. He turned around to see his soulmate looking tired and restless.

"You should've sleep you know, instead of waiting for me."

"It's okay the others are awake too."

She then hoped into his arms, inhaling his strong manly scent. It's very calming to her. He played with her soft dark hair, caressing it one by one.

"I'm sorry we are not like before, chubs."

She pressed her lips into a thin line, frustrated enough. Their life changed drastically, they wished to enjoy their relationship as a normal couple out there.

They lowkey hated this way.

"It's okay. I understand that and I heard you guys have another thing to do later evening."

Mark just nodded, and with that Younghee brings him to his bedroom. She collected her strengths only to see Mark so she won't be missing him that much since the bond is obviously stronger than before.

She made sure he slept, and it did. Younghee decided to leave the dark blue room to go to the Dreamies small headquarter.

"Good morning, boys!"

Haechan was the first one to groan in annoyance upon the sudden light that shot his face through the opened curtain.

"It's early you short freak." Haechan rubbed his eyes till someone pushed him unintentionally.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there." Sungchan's appearance made Younghee weirded out.

"Since when you entered this room?"

"Me and Shotaro sneaked into this room when you went out to see your lover." Sungchan wiggled his eyebrows, earning a faint laugh from the sitting Jaemin.

"Y'all should wake up, Taeyong is already here."

All of the modern kids woke up in jolt, gaining chuckles from the only girl inside the room. They cleaned the mess and straightly went out to the living room as the clock showed seven in the morning.

President Cho stayed inside of his room, his hotel room. He decided to stay there as his mansion is not safe anymore.

The monster is waiting there, waiting for the president and the daughter to come.

As he logged into The Boyz data, the data was getting secured by an unknown source. He was weirded out since he was the one who creates the security for them.

"Everything is wrong with me lately."

He set aside the laptop and dressed up to have a dinner at the hotel's restaurant.

The elevator was filled by tons of VIP people that stayed there. Cho Yoon went into the very small space, very crowded and hot.

He didn't realize about what to come, as someone intentionally slit his exposed ankle with a small pocket knife. He hissed silently, moving his foot a bit.

The elevator arrived at the ground floor of the hotel. Everyone went out with sighs but this male stayed still infront of the elevator's door.

"Not him again."

Someone abruptly strangled his neck, dragging him all way to the empty toilet beside the elevator.

Cho Yoon was fighting with himself and the male,

he could sense that the monster is following him and his daughter.

"Let go of me, you rascal!" The monster smiled in satisfication as he stepped on the older male's hand with full force.

"Your house was blown up, and you still had an audicity to find a hotel around this country. Such a fool."

Cho Yoon groaned in pain, his sweats dripping from the top of his head down to his suit. "Tell me how to stop you from bothering my life anymore."

He gritted his white arranged teeth.

"Please give me back my Cho Eunjae, I mean,

Lim Eunjae..."

The now tied male only let out a devilish laugh as he spitted his saliva on the monster's shoes. "Too bad you lose on me."

"But... you... you are the real monster here!"

"Come on, you said you will stop following me and be my assistant so please end this nonsense." Cho Yoon laughed again, finding the struggle of the younger male was way funnier.

"But, I didn't said I gave up. If you can't give me back my Eunjae, I'll kill the girl that came out from her womb..."

Cho Yoon widened his eyes as he tried to collect his words to stop the monster's future actions. "Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on my princess again..."

"Oh I will... I want to destroy your genes... she's also one of the reason why Eunjae stayed with you."

Cho Yoon threw his face otherside, not wanting to reminisce the black memories his family had for the past few years.

"Eunjae died... but why am I not die yet?" His words getting more and more shakier. The president only looked at him with his cold and old looking face.

"You should be thankful the heaven and hell didn't want you to die yet..."

Suddenly, the monster lifted up his face.

"...to take my own revenge!"

cho/lim eunjae -> younghee's mother

El Pecado, Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now