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Jaehyun stopped infront of the IT room where the Dreamies and Younghee located with some boxes of milks in a tray. They were having fun, playing games and spending times together.

"Knock, knock kids."

"Haechan, you go open the door for him."

"I ain't moving or else I'll get shoot."

"Bold of you to assume I'm moving-"

"Y'all lazy asses, let me go." Younghee volunteered. All of them laughed as she playfully rolled her eyes all way to the door.

"Oh, hey Jaehyun." Jaehyun shot a wide smile as Younghee took the milks to give the others.

"Aight, so who wants milk you can come here. Jaemin, here's your peach juice." Younghee's voice rang through the room and they immediately paused the game, well more like leaving it by it own.

"Where's Mark?" Jaehyun sat beside Younghee on the round table, scrolling through his newly bought phone.

"I heard he went out with Taeyong and Ten to the club."

"Which one?"

"I guess it's Black Tiger Club since some workers are trying to fix some problems there."

Younghee stared at her milk, not wanting to take a sip through the straw. Her stomach didn't felt right. "My stomach felt like it's mixing all the food inside."

"Did you eat this afternoon?" Jaehyun asked worriedly as he tried to help Younghee. She replied with a pure nod.

"It's impossible for her to get stomachache when she ate a good amount of meal." Chenle agreed with Renjun's words. They had a meal together before.

"It must be Mark then, he didn't eat anything before he go." Jeno said after all of the conspiracies were told, Jaehyun released a sigh.

"The soulmate bond is getting stronger when you are apart from each other, even from the simplest cut on your finger would effect your soulmate too."

"Jaehyun do you have a soulmate?" Younghee's question sent a shiver down his spine, he still couldn't recognize his soulmate but he's in love with her.

"Not yet, I still didn't recognize any sign of her."

"Renjun already had some weird dreams and Haechan got a tattoo on his right arm." Jeno exclaimed as he showed the other's the mentioned tattoo on Haechan's arm.

"It's a moon sign."

"Bet Haechan's would be sun."

"Could it be Taeil?" All of them laughed as Jaemin finally opened his mouth. All of them enjoyed the drink and not long after, Jaehyun joined them playing games since Haechan convinced him to.

Younghoon, Sunwoo and Kevin decided to visit their girl member inside her room and wanted to play with Yong.

As Younghee opened her room door, she was welcomed with several types of cookies and chocolates in a bucket.

"Y'all gave me these as if I'm a patient at the hospital." She frowned but managed to hug each of them as a thankful sign.

"We missed you, stupid. Hyunjae is getting more crazier without you, you know." Sunwoo joked as he plopped onto her bed, immediately picked up Yong to his lap.

"Our Yongie is getting bigger, don't grow." Sunwoo whined as Younghoon brushed his fur with his hands very softly.

Younghoon then darted his eyes towards Younghee, a sense of pity washed over his heart.

"Younghee, come here." He then patted a seat beside him so she could sit on it. Younghee smiled, moving to his side in a swift.

"I know there's something bothering you right know."

Younghee fiddled with her own fingers, leaning her head on his shoulder. She couldn't lie if Younghoon didn't gave a sense of comfort for her.

She've been secretly longing for him.


She was only 12 when she saw a figure that caught her eyes and her heart. The way he smiled at her made the girl's stomach filled with flying butterflies all over.

It was the boy named Kim Younghoon, he was only 15 and of course he enjoyed his childhood very well, before he entered the mafia world.

Growing up as an intelligent and out going kid, Younghee tend to make new friends easily. Her first friend was Kim Sunwoo and Choi Chanhee.

"Chanhee, let's go to our neighbourhood's park!" Sunwoo dragged the smaller, yet older boy to the place they've been wanting to go.

"Did both of you already asked your parents?" Both of the youngers nodded earning a smile from the older one.

Younghee wasn't shy at all, she even had a conversation between the nice grandpa at the food stall, met new friends and even talked to random stray dogs around the park.

Chanhee then stopped her to have a seat on one of the bench there. "Younghee, you should stop. Let's eat first before we go back to our home"

Suddenly, a boy with a very pretty figure came and tappee Chanhee's shoulder. "Hey Chanhee!"

"Younghoo, I thought you wouldn't come, and here let me introduce you to my schoolmates."

Younghee was about to stick out her hand when suddenly her eyes glued onto his, she couldn't move.

What a puppy love.

The older boy too wasn't moving or even talking as he was mesmerized by the little girl's beauty.

"This is Cho Younghee, remember Younghee."

Younghoon smiled, taking her hand in his. "Hi, Younghee. Our name is almost the same, mine's Younghoon."

She could only smile as she let go of his hand. Sunwoo was weirded out but immediately introducing himself to the older boy.

They've been a good friend, Younghee and Younghoon did have feelings for each other but none of them ever talked about it.

Younghoon was finally 19 and was about to confess his feelings towards her, but he just got into a group full of mafias including his other friends.

He thought of losing Younghee, he just found out about Younghee's parents true identity and was scared of her father.

The incident in Spain brought back so much memories to him, at least. She moved on, but once they met again in Korea, the childhood memories flooded back in.

End of Flashback

She had a soulmate, yes. Does she still remembers Younghoon and her childood stories, definitely yes.

And that's what confusing her, but Mark was her soulmate that took care of her truly with his whole heart.

She couldn't care less, but the grown up boy is still looking after her from afar.



"How I wish both of us lost our memories."

Little did she knew, he is still waiting for her. Though it's totally impossible.

El Pecado, Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now