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Jaemin, Jisung and Hendery came near the half sleepy girl on the bench outside of the huge house. She was deeply thinking about her latest dream, about leaving her soulmate alone in the darkest of night.

Why would she do that? What was she searching for?

Those questions had been ghosting her mind ever since she woke up. It's just that she wasn't ready to share it with her friends yet.

Jisung softly approached both sides of her shoulder making the calm girl turned around to meet his eyes.

"Hey, Younghee." Jisung then crouched infront of her while the others took a seat across her direction.

"Jisung you scared me."

"Why would you be scared, you have us." Hendery comforted her messy heart, shooting his cute little smile towards her.

"Mark is fine by the way so don't worry." Jaemin continued the paused conversation in the middle of the day. The time zone made it ten times harder for them to contact with each other.

"You slept for so long, are you that tired?" Jaemin then checked her temperature on her forehead, making sure she didn't sick so it would be easier for Mark to stay fully healthy while he's on mission.

"I am 100% healthy and okay, it's just that the dream... it's kinda traumatizing."

Hendery shifted beside her, running his hand on her back as she really needs some comforts and reassurance. She've been missing the dorky guy who lights up her whole world.

"And also, I miss mama. How I wished she's still alive? Why should papa be alive and raise me?" She then cried, burrying her head in between her knees.

Jisung straight off hugging the petite girl, calming her tired and gloomy heart. She felt really weak. Why does the universe tested her life like this? She thinks she didn't deserve to be alive in this cruel world.

Nevertheless, she had them. 23 men that lighten up her world along with the 11 others. Sounded really cliché and unusual but that's how the universe did to her.

To meet with these soft hearted humans despite of being the cruelest in the world. After all, only hell and heaven know.


"So you're telling me you made my soulmate pregnant, how dare you Yoon!" Leeteuk, previously known as Park Jeongsu slapped his friend's face leaving a bright red stain on it.

"I am legally married to her you fool! And you trusted these nonsense things? So pathetic."

He sounded really innocent, well he just stole away Lim Eunjae away from him. He just lost his soulmate, his life would ended up being single and having an uncompleted soul.

"Trust me universe will never accept your child that is supposed to be mine!" He took out his gun, shooting the male ahead of him.

Cho Yoon ran away, the hospital now is a mess and most of the patients and even doctors grew worried of the fighting mafias.

Leeteuk chase his leader all way to the parking lot. "This ain't ended yet, you should die, you motherfucker!"

Yoon was able to shoot his left leg, making him fell on his knees. He groaned in pain, one hand gained support from the wall.

"So you think you're cool, huh?" Yoon walked closer to the laying down male, stepping on his damaged leg harshly. Leeteuk cried out, he needs some help, he needs the support and help from his soulmate.

But the soulmate is now married to someone else. He didn't sure if the guy he married will make her happy and enjoy her life, he's the most toxic out of the toxic people out there.

He ruined people's life and enjoys it like it is his own entertainment. That's what Cho Yoon do, power, lust, money and thrones changed him 360° and he never think of the consequences of doing so.

"Tell me, Park Jeongsu. The male who got thrown away from his family because of his unholy works." Leeteuk's tears fell down from his glassy eyes.

"The one who enjoyed doing sins with me because of I am his friend, oh you should have a flashback of your own fucking life."

"Cho Yoon!"

The male shouted, kicking Yoon's face without any hesitant and stood up. He grabbed the taller male's collar harshly.

"I swear under the name of the universe, the whole hell and heaven and the underworld... your sins will never be forgotten and your future family, your genes will never be happy unless they have the efforts to change it, mark my words you fucker."

He threw the male away, he walked with his limp towards the road alone.

Cho Yoon scoffed, leaving the parking lot to see his wife on the hospital. After three months of pregnant, why did Leeteuk suddenly came back only to see his stolen soulmate.

He didn't even trust anyone untill he witnessed it with his own eyes. Eyes never lie, he held the words for years now.

Leeteuk even promised himself to watch the grow of the Cho family, till he see the kid in Eunjae's womb grow up so he can judge whether the child should be dead or continue her life not knowing the story of her parents.

End of Flashback

El Pecado, Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now