Now what?

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My love, you broke me
Shattered in pieces
You left me

As much as I tried
My heart isn't the same
Changed, all the times I cried

I longed for you
Holding onto ur image
Playing scenes in my head
Of our love that was true

My love, you brought me hope
That it could be different
My soul recognized you
It was instant

My mind can't escape
Your presence still haunts me
I've tried erasing you

Ingrained in my mind
Your smile
Your smell
The feel of ur skin

Maybe the erosion of time
Could ease the pain
Make me forget
But you don't let me

Our hearts call out to each other
But here we are, the fools
Dont bother with games

Your love a sword
plunched in my heart
Cut me deep
Leave it there or I'll bleed

Too late...
Look at the mess you made
Now what?

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