Chapter 21

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Well, fuck. This is going to be a disaster.

It'd been exactly 9 months since I found out about the baby and going into labor wasn't exactly what you could label as 'fun'.

Kyle took care of me after Louis recovered in some ways and left for tour. But Noah left me in general after discovering that he wasn't the father. I really wanted this to be over, to be out of the situation but no one else was taking care of it but Kyle and myself. Seems these days he was the only one around.
No one wanted to talk to me, as I wasn't aloud to talk to 'the baby daddy'. Management saw it unfit for Louis to be a dad at this time.

It wasn't the right time yet and if people asked who the father was, my response was to say it was a one night stand. I'm sure telling people that made me seem like a ya know. Its not the kindest word, because woman who do, and have that as a career, I dearly respect. But you know what people think regardless of you actually sleeping around occasionally v.s. just once.

"Alright, Claire, we're ready to get this baby out. I'm going to need you to follow my instructions and listen to me carefully. When I tell you to push, push, okay?" I nodded violently in response to Dr. Hornwell.

This was horrid and the contractions seemed to never end. Constant worries rushed through my mind about the baby's survival. If he or she would make it out okay.

I never wanted to know the sex because it was something Louis was supposed to be there for, but he never showed up. Just like he didn't show up tonight when I called him hours before.

Kyle was the only one to go to my doctors appointment and the only one the doctor told the sex too. He was beside me now, squeezing my hand and reassuring me that it was going to be okay. And I believed him.

*6 hours later*

"Ms. Bird, you have a beautiful baby boy." The wailing sound of a baby's voice echoed in the small delivery room. When the nurse handed the baby to me, I couldn't smile. I had spent so many hours pushing this living thing out of me, I was exhausted. So I sighed and looked at Kyle instead.

"Isn't he beautiful?" I sobbed quietly worried that it'd startly the baby.

"He's precious, Claire. Whats his name?"

"Rhett Bird." Kyle's head tilted in confusion.

"Louis not here, nor was he ever. My child doesn't need to be a part of that life. Neither does Louis seem to want to be a part of Rhetts' life."

Exhausted as ever, I tried to nurse my little child but he wanted to sleep more then feed. Kyle placed him in the provided bed beside me then walked over to the couch but stopped when I called his name weakly.

"Would you come and lay by me like before?" During the pregnancy Kyle would end up laying next to me talking and rubbing my belly and making sure that the weird dreams would fade away. I needed him now, more than I needed him all those months ago, more than I needed him hours ago. Right now I was falling apart at the seems.

"Do you think he'll ever come? I know not anytime soon with stuff arising with the band, but one day at least."

"I don't really know, I'm not Louis and his choices to do what he wants with his son is his own worries. But I'm here and if the kid needs a father figure around, you've got me." Kyle wrapped his arm around me.

"I don't want to put that kind of pressure on you. You can be the uncle. You kind of are in a way." I chuckled. Kyle was quiet for awhile, his whole body went still and it was like he stopped breathing.

"Kyle?" I turned over to face him, his eyes closed but he groaned in response.

"Thank you for everything."

Same Mistakes *sequel for D.D.*Where stories live. Discover now