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Amida walked in between the knights of Ren. They walked around the finalizer. Amida was sad, but more angry. Her thoughts were clouded. All things running through her head. She wanted to kill everyone who was apart of this stupid plan. But she couldn't, there were too many of them. And she couldn't kill her father, and her brother.

They walked and they walked. It didn't seem to end, they took another turn left "We've already been here" Vicrul said annoyed "Then we turn around" Kuruk said, they all turned around and Amida sighed "We've been walking around for thirty minutes" She said complaining "Normally we would do that in ten minutes"

Before her Vicrul and Cardo stopped. She did too. The two knights looked at each other, then towards the other knights "Well then" Trudgen said "Prepare yourselves" Vicrul said finishing Trudgen's sentence. Amida frowned at them but kept walking.

The last a open area, in the area were the tie-fighters and the other ships. The area was filled with troopers, that's the only thing she saw before Ap'lek pushed her shoulder letting her know she was not allowed to watch. Of course that didn't help much, it made her more curious. Definitely after hearing Hux talk.

She heard a scream, a familiar scream. She whipped her head back and pushed against Cardo who was standing next to her. He fell aside and she ran towards the railing. She saw Finn and an other girl on their knees in front of Hux and the hundreds of troopers "Finn!" She yelled before Vicrul and Trudgen grabbed both of her shoulders and pushed her backwards "Amida!" Finn yelled back.

Hux slapped him "Get her out of here!" He yelled at the knights. Vicrul wrapped his arms around her. Amida kicked the air and screamed at the top of her lung. Ap'lek had his weapon ready and wanted to hit her but Trudgen stopped it with his own "No harm will come to miss Ren, orders from Ren himself" He said, Amida grunted while trying to get out of Vicruls tight grip.

No harm Amida thought. She started to breath heavier. Amida stopped kicking the air and let her body fall against Vicruls. She started to choke "Vicrul" She muttered in between her gasps for air. Vicrul looked down and let her go. Amida fell on her knees and smiled evil. She kicked Vicrul in his stomach and he fell back on Kuruk, Ushar and Cardo.

She tackled Ap'lek and ran towards the railing and looked down. It was high, but not too high. Amida looked back and saw the knight running towards her. She took a deep breath and jumped down.

Amida was now, on the same floor as Finn and Rose "Pathetic" She heard Hux say. She ran towards them, Hux looked at her "Phasma," He said "Make it quick" He said and he walked away.

"Execution by blaster is too good for them" Phasma said "Let's make this hurt" She said, Amida ran through the stormtroopers "No!" She screamed while the troopers lay the two rebels down on the ground "On my command" Phasma said "Phasma don't!" Amida screamed, she looked at Finn who looked at her. He gave her a weak smile "Execute" Phasma said.

Amida almost made it she was only a few meters away before a loud sound rang trough her ears. She placed her hands on her ears and she flew back. She closed her eyes tight and pulled her knees up to her chest while leaning against a box.

The loud sound was gone and Amida slowly opened her eyes and removed her hands from her ears. She breathed heavily. She slowly stood up and looked around.

The whole finalizer was blown up. Fire was everywhere. Dead troopers and broken fighters. She looked for Finn, he lay unconscious on the ground. Amida stumbled towards him and she slapped his cheek. Finn awoke and looked at Amida "Hey" Amida said, Finn struggled getting up and hugged her tight "I thought you were dead" He whispered, Amida hugged him back "I'm fine Finn" She said smiling.

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