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Chewbacca and Amida stood in between several stormtroopers. Chewbacca had handcuffs on and a band around his neck. If he would move, the band would give him a electrical shot.

Amida had on handcuffs as well. A band around her left bicep, lucky for her they had placed it on her shirt instead of on her scars. If Amida would move, the band would give her a electrical shot. The band also kept her from using the force.

"I wonder what he's gonna say" Amida said to Chewbacca, the trooper next to her helt his blaster closer to her "Shut up rebel scum" Amida frowned and looked offended towards him "I wasn't talking to you" She said while turning back to Chewbacca.

He roared and Amida nodded "Who will be more mad, Daniël, Poe or dad?" Chewbacca answered with a simple moan "Yeah i think Poe too" It was quiet, Amida tapped her foot against the metal ground. She looked at the ground, there was nothing else more interesting to look at.

The same black walls and a closed door before them. Amida felt a presence at the other side of the door, she looked ar Chewbacca "Someones at the other side of the-" Chewbacca roared and Amida looked forward "You already know, okay"

Amida suddenly got nervous, what if it was her father oh no. How would he react, how would she react. Would she get her own room back, no. It got blown up. Amida always wondered how her father got away.

Rey explained to her how and what happened. Rey told her about their force bond. How he became the supreme leader.

Amida was pulled out her thoughts by the doors that opened. Two hand grabbed her shoulders and Chewie roared. Amida looked up at him "What the fuck-"

"The beast used to fly with Han Solo" General Hux said while he turned around, revealing a new face Amida didn't know "You know the girl" Amida looked from the newbie to Hux with a open mouth "The girl has a name"

Chewbacca roared mad, Huxs shoulders tensed and his hair flew up "Take them to interrogation six" The man spoke, the troopers turned Chewbacca around and walked away. Amida kept standing where she stood and they lifted her up.

Her eyes stayed on Hux since when does he take orders from someone who is not my father. Hux made eye contact with her, Amida frowned at him. Hux looked away while straightening his uniform.

Amida looked at Chewies back, she shook her arm and the troopers let go. She landed on her feet. They walked into a round room, the walls red and black. On the floor lay the logo of the first order. The unfilled part were deeper than the symbol.

The deeper parts were red, above them hang a circle. It was like a spiderweb, but from metal "The fuck is this?" Amida asked and she watched how the troopers tied up Chewbacca.

He sat on his knees, the troopers cuffed one hand and attached it to the circle. They did the same to the other one. Chewbacca moaned in pain "Let him go you assholes!" Amida yelled and gave the trooper who helt her bicep a elbow in his stomach, so hard that he flew against the wall.

The trooper on the other side of her received a kick before pressing the red button on his belt. Amida screamed out in pain and fell on her knees. "Fuck!" The metal band around her bicep shot a electrical shot. Under the sleeve of her shirt, her scars turned purple "Shit!"

She fell forwards on her face "I'll stop" She breathed "I will stop" She sighed while the troopers attached her to a circle.

They left and Chewbacca roared softly and Amida sighed "Its okay" And she smiled at him.

After two second of silence Amida sighed "Do you think i can get this thing off?" She asked him while nodding at the band around her arm.

She looked around the room.  She closed her eyes and concentrated, she breathed in and out. Chewbacca groaned worried but she nodded, showing him it was okay.

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