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Me, Emile, and Patton have decided to watch some musicals. We all sing the songs once we learn them and do the dances. It's how we keep our spirits up after thing that happened. We also got bored and got tired of throwing ourselves a pity party.

Logan and Remy have yet to return. Part of me hopes that they come back, Virgil dead. But the other part of me wants Virgil alive and here. Even though we never got along, he has made an impact on me. And I want to know why he killed my mother and then lied to me about it.

We finish watching Dear Evan Hansen and then start a conversation since we are desperate to avoid the silence and getting lost in our thoughts.

Emile says, "I can't wait for Remy to get back. I finally got him back."

Patton smiles a little, "I bet you love him a lot."

Emile nods, "I do. I love him more than he will ever know."

I ask, "How did you two meet? And start dating?"

Emile smiles, "We met when we were training to be guards. I was around 104 and he was 127. I wasn't the best at training so Remy would help me. We were the newbies and had to watch each others backs. After training together and moving up in the ranks we had a ceremony that we had to attend. We both were so happy to have passed all the training. Remy was happy being a normal guard that patrols around the town but I wanted to be a higher rank so I could be in the woods and watch who comes in and out." He has pure joy in his eyes, "I eventually made my way to that rank and we celebrated. The same night, Remy confessed his love to me and we kissed. It was magical." He looks at us, "We were inseparable unless we were working..." his smile fell as he looks down, "Which is why when King Remus came. We uh, had a ceremony and he was the guest. We were together since we both were guards for it... King Remus saw me and got all touchy, I was far from comfortable and Remy was there to defend me..." His voice starts to waver, "So Janus and King Remus tackled him to the ground and beat him before he was sent to the dungeon. I couldn't do anything and I was so scared. As they took Remy away we made eye contact and he yelled to me that he would be okay." He wipes away some tears and I hand him a tissue.

Patton grabs Emile's hand gently, "That's awful."

I set a comforting hand on the fairies shoulder, "We will take Remus down. No one like him should be a king."

Emile nods, "Thanks you two. You guys are so nice." He sniffles, "I just wish I could have been more helpful. I let them take Remy."

Patton speaks up as Emile starts crying more, "You couldn't have done anything. You would have gotten hurt and I'm sure Remy was happy that you weren't in the dungeon with him."

I hand him another tissue, "Its okay to feel this way when it comes to someone you love. But he is safe now and he will come back here because he loves you."

Emile nods and after a few minutes he stops crying. "I just love him so much. He means so much to me."

A voice comes from behind Emile, "I love you too."

Emile jumps up and turns around. I see Remy standing behind him with tears running down his face. They hug and kiss passionately.

Emile smiles, "I'm so glad your back home."

Remy smiles, "Me too. Logan and Virgil have been eye fucking the entire walk back. I swear those two need to talk about their feelings."

Patton jumps up, "You guys found Virgil?!" He asks excitedly.

Remy nods with a smile, "Out front with Logan. He is scared to see Roman, so go easy on him half blood."

Ever since Remy found out about my mom and me being a half blood that is what he calls me and I hate it. But he is cheering me on about killing Remus. Everyone here is.

I walk out and go out front with Patton. Patton and Virgil hug as Logan walks over to me.

Logan says, "Janus broke his shoulder when he bit it, he tortured him disguised as me which is why he was scared of me, and overall, he is going to need a lot of rest. Right now, he is out of commission and you should go easy on him when you talk."

I nod and walk over to Virgil. When he sees me and his face falls as he looks down.

I stop in front of him and Patton gives us some space. Logan and Patton watch us from the porch.

I start the conversation, "So... You really did kill my mother?"

Virgil nods slowly, "I... I'm so sorry but I didn't have a choice."

"Why? What would have happened if you left her alive?"

Virgil takes a shaky breath, "King Remus and Janus would have tortured her to death. I wanted to kill her so it would be fast and painless."

I wipe away a tear that slipped, "Why did you lie? You told me you would never kill anyone."

"Because it reminds me of how shitty of a person I am. I have done so much that is awful and horrible. I deserve all this pain and if it wasn't for that woman in the woods, I would be dead which I still think I deserve." His voice cracks and he starts to cry. "I really am sorry."

I hug him and he hugs me back. I start crying as well. "I forgive you. But not Remus and Janus. We will kill them."

I'm writing this instead of my essay for school. I'm such a great student.

Anyways this chapter was mostly to be a background for Remy and Emile and Virgil getting redeemed. Its simple and the next few chapters will be laid back.

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