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Tw: Blood, fighting.

Remy teleports us into the throne room behind the throne. No one is in here. We sneak out of the room and go into a lot of different hallways until we make it to what looks like Remus's room. We look around until the door opens.

"Who the hell- Oh. It's you three," Remus says at the doorway.

Roman moves in front of me protectively. He is so sweet and brave. No, now is not the time Patton. Remy glares at Remus. Remus smiles and snaps his fingers, causing an alarm to go off through the entire castle.

He then summons a morningstar, "Who should I kill first?" He chuckles. "The fairy who was butt hurt about his lover receiving compliments? The half blood? Or the half bloods lover?"

Roman made a sword, "Stay away from him."

Remus chuckles and rushes at Roman. Roman shoves me at Remy, "Remy, take him somewhere safe!"

Remy nods and drags me out of the room, ignoring my protests. Once we get into the hallway I see a lot of guards running to us. We start fighting them, doing our best to stay unharmed and not use up all our magic at the beginning.

After a while we finally clear the hallway of the guards. I hear Roman scream and he flies out of the room, hitting the wall and falling onto the floor.

I run to his side, "Roman!"

Remy follows me and faces Remus who looks unharmed. He has a wide smile on his face. "One down, two to go!" He laughs.

I feel tears stinging my eyes, I hold Roman in my arms. He looks at me, blood running down his face and his clothes cut and bloody.

His voice is quiet and filled with pain, "I'm fine. You need to leave."

I shake my head, "No! I'm not leaving you."

"Patton please. Go."

I start crying and hear Remy scream in pain. I turn around and see Remus had cut off one of his grey wings. It is laying on the ground, twitching. Blood is coming out of the wound. Remus laughs, "Oh this is so fun!"

He turns to me and I stand up, wiping away the tears, "Your gonna pay for hurting my friends!" I yell pissed.

Remus laughs and gets rid of his morningstar, "Your so adorable. The soul snatcher who couldn't do his job. Your so pathetic and weak."

I growl and thrust my hands out, sending out a powerful wave of sadness. King Remus looks shocked and a tear falls down his face.

I say, "Don't underestimate me."

He smirks and summons his morningstar again. "Oh, this is gonna be fun." He jumps at me and I quickly move out of the way.

He rushes at me again and hits me in the side with his morningstar, throwing me into the wall. I get back up and rush at him but King Remus dodges again. He hits me in the back and I grunt in pain as I land onto the floor.

"You three are pathetic. Guards!" Four guards run up to him. He whispers something to them, then kicks me in the head so hard that I get knocked out.

Everything goes black and I only hear King Remus's laughter, filled with joy.

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