Chapter 1; not now, not ever.

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Hello, this is my new story, I've had this idea for so long, note I can use it. I love Niall, and all of them. This might compare to my other one direction just a teeny tiny bit butt not very much. I hope you guys love this one. :)


Part 1

"Hey its your mom home?" A stranger asked, as I barley opened the door.

"No she's kind of sleeping at the moment. But if you come by later, she'll be up." I reassured.

"Alright, I just have some stuff for her." He answered politely. For a drug dealer, he seemed pretty nice.

"Okay, I'll be sure to tell her." I shyly smiled, and gently shut the door.

I left to the kitchen, looking for some cereal. Just generic frosted flakes, the only food my mom can afford. She's not the best mom in the world, but I just stay in my room, and ignore her business.

I hurried and ate, so I can take a shower. I turned on the water, waiting for hot stream to appear. I soon jumped in and let the hot water to run down my back, like a hard rain. I usually wait about five to ten minutes to actually clean myself. I love enjoying the streaming sensation around me, that and music are my true loves, and escapes. I love everything, a day to remember, the fray, safety suit, some county, hard rock, or even soft alternative pop.

I stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed. I put on some comfortable clothing and looked out my window, it was hard to embrace a Saturday when scams and thefts were going down. Around twelve thirty, I decided to check on my mom. I loved her and all, but I don't agree with her life choices. She pt me through hell, but I would still protect her.

I walked down, into the living room, noticing a needle still in her sleeping arm. I gently pulled it out, and disposed of it. I hated those things. One reason I did not like going to doctors.

"Hey mom. Wake up." I said shaking her lightly. "Mom." I repeated, but she didn't even stir. "Hey, mom, if you don't wake up, I'm gonna have to poor water on you." I placed my hand on her head, and she was ice cold. "Mom?" I asked a little more worryingly. I checked get pulse.


I fastly, ran and got my cheap little pre paid phone. I hurried and dilled 911

"Hello?" a man in the other line asked.

"Hello? My mom! She's not breathing and she's cold! Help me please!" I sobbed.

"Okay, ma'am calm down. I will have paramedics and police right down there. Just stay calm." He said reassuringly.

"Okay." I said, hanging up the phone. I calmed my crying down just a little bit. I was still scared thought. What would happen to me if she's dead? Foster care? My grandparents were dead, I had no friends and I'm only 15.

Soon enough, paramedics were here, and I was also taken to the hospital.

I sat in the patient room, for maybe an hour. I couldn't stand it, my face was stained in mascara faded tears. "God, of you exist, please help me." I silently said.

"Cassandra Parker?" A short chubby man said.

"Yes?" I answered, looking up from my palms.

"I was your grandmas Lawer. Jenna Parker?" I nodded in response. "Well she paid me to look after you and your mother. I have a note, your mom wrote. It says, 'just incase anything happens to Cassie, I want her to live with her dad in London. His number is xxx-xxx-xxxx call him. His name is Aaron Payne. He knows.'"

"I have a father?" I whispered. "And she didn't tell me?!" I said in anger.

"I'm sorry, Cassandra." He paused. "But your mom is gone." He said softly. "You need to call him." And with that, he gave me the number. I waited to calm my crying, and typed in the number. I tang for a while till I got an answer.

"Hello?" A man answered.

"hey is this," I paused looking at the paper. "Aaron Payne?"

"Why, yes it is. May I ask who this is, dear" He sounded so polite.

"This is Cassandra Parker?" I waited. "I'm guessing you're my father?" I heard him sigh on the other line.

"I'm guessing its that time, love?" More tears.

"Yeah. She gave out." I sniffled. "I guess I'm going to live with you now?"

"I'm guessing so, dear. Do you know when?"

"Tomorrow, I assume. I have no where else to go." I tried not crying.

"Okay, I will see you tomorrow. Is someone going to ride with you on the plane?"

"I think my Lawer."

"Well call me, when you board your fight."

"Okay" and with that, I hung up. I'm not okay, but I an partially happy, I have a dad.


LIAM pov

"Hey son. Can I talk to you?" My dad walked in.

"Ummm yeah I guess. Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Well, nothing is exactly wrong. You know after your mom and I split up, you were pretty young."

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Well I was in America, and I dated this girl, just for a few Weeks. She had problems with her. I thought I could change her. I couldn't do much. So we split."

"Dad, what does this have to do with anything?" I answered confused.

"Let me get there. Anyway, she called me up a few Weeks later. She was pregnant. I was confused, and she was only twenty at the time. I denied it being mine, but she hadn't slept with any body before." He paused. What the hell? "But I knew it was mine. I knew it before I came back. But I left what I had, in America. But her mom just passed. And well... You had a Sister. Her name is Cassandra, and she'll be here tomorrow."

"Are you serious?" I said kind of skeptic.

"I'm sorry, I kept that from you."

"So I have a little Sister?" Sweet. I always wanted to be a big brother.

"Yeah. You do. You can meet her tomorrow."

I can't believe it. I can't fucking believe it.

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