« Chapter Five »

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Fabian was on his feet. 

She was going to follow him, if there was any chance of survival for her it was with him. Her human body just wasn't strong enough. But, Fabian turned to her with a frown on his face. 

"No," He said, gently grabbing her arms to stop her, "Stay here, Val. Your blood is scentless, they won't know you're here. I need to find my mother." 

She frowned but said nothing. She allowed him to guide her back to her seat and then she watched with an empty thought as he disappeared out of the door. What was she to do now? Wait until the entire pack was massacred? Something about that caused tingles to erupt from her fingertips. 

If she waited long enough, her freedom would be handed to her. The rogues were ruthless creatures and they wouldn't stop until every drop of blood was tasted and spilled. They would wipe Winsor pack off the map and then she could walk out without a scratch. She would arise from the ruins and never look back. Though, there would always be a mark on her soul. Like a smudge of ash. 

Alpha Drake crossed her mind and suddenly, she was angry. It would be pitiless to let the rogues kill him. She had endured his abuse through the years and it should be her to take his final breath. He could not get off the hook so easily and she wanted to serve revenge. 

That very thought alone caused more tingles to erupt throughout her body and she felt the familiar feeling of her wolf. Slowly, her anger was allowing her wolf to surface. Their rages were combined with one thought only; kill. Her primal instincts took control, she wasn't having a single humane thought, and that didn't bother her. 

Soon, fur erupted from her frail skin. She gasped at the rising pain, she was in such a state that the shift would hurt immensely, but she didn't try to stop it. Once her wolf gained control, she would be unstoppable with her wolf's strength. So, she bit her lip to contain her small scream as the first bone broke. It was like her first shift all over again, her malnutrition not aiding her. 

Her vision blurred and she felt herself collapse on the floor. She laid there, convulsing and gasping until finally, the shift was complete. She felt a rush of relief as her wolf took presence in her mind. Strength surged through her veins and her eyes snapped open. 

Without a second thought, she left the room that had kept her captive since she was a little girl. Her heightened senses were filled with the smell of blood, her sensitive ears twitching at the noises of death, but she was searching for him. The only scent she hated. She had never been a good tracker but she knew Alpha Drakes scent in her nightmares.

She exited the empty house and paused on the front porch. It was a battlefield on the pack grounds. Wolves ran on a rampage, dead bodies littered the ground, and blood drenched the grass. There was so much noise, she could hardly hear herself think.

Suddenly, she saw him. Alpha Drake was cornered by four rogues. A sinister smirk twisted her lips and she bound towards the scene. Her paws became splattered in blood but her wolf thoroughly enjoyed the satisfaction. The blood of their enemies, it was a sweet feeling. No rogues dared to bother her, she did not have the scent of the pack therefore, they assumed she was one of them. Soon, she would be. 

When Alpha Drake had his back turned towards her, she leaped with extended claws. Snarls erupted from her throat as she latched onto his back, drawing blood instantly. He howled in pain. Another rogue took advantage and tore into Alpha Drake's shoulder. She couldn't think of anything else but the revenge she could finally have. It would be a painfully slow death for him.

After years of living with his abuse, she could finally deal it right back. Her claws dug into his flesh unmercifully and her teeth continued to rip chunks loose. He managed to shake her loose and she landed in a heap but he couldn't retaliate because the other rogues attacked him. She was glad he was distracted because she had never been much of a fighter either. She didn't really know if she could stand up to him one-on-one, especially since he was an Alpha. 

She regained her feet and slammed her body into his, causing him to stumble. The rogues took him down instantly. She rushed forward, looking for the kill, but another wolf sideswiped her. She recognized it as one of the pack members. Suddenly, more pack wolves joined the fight, trying to save their Alpha. She mentally scoffed. Alpha Drake wasn't worth saving. 

Pain erupted down her back and she spun to rip the pack member from her back. They tussled, snapping jaws and tearing flesh until another rogue aided her. It was ironic, really, that she could side with the rogues so easily. In moments like these, her scentless blood proved to be a blessing rather than a curse. 

She slipped away from the pack wolf and ran towards Alpha Drake. She dodged another pack wolf while Alpha Drake killed another rogue. She could see it. He was weak, unstable on his feet from the fight, and he was easy prey. She had never had a more opportune moment and she went directly for his throat. By the time he realized she had approached, it was too late, and she dug her teeth dug into his jugular. Instantly, he gurgled on his own blood. She used her body weight to knock him down, clamping her jaws harder. 

Within seconds, it was over. His eyes grew lifeless, rolling back, and his heart ceased its beat. She savored the taste of his blood and when she was sure he would never raise a hand to beat her again, she let go. His lifeless body dropped into the bloody grass. She stood for a moment, panting heavily. 

Suddenly, she realized that she was alone. Bodies scattered around her, mostly pack wolves, and she felt no remorse for them. They were just as bad and cruel as Alpha Drake had been; but no more. Their pitiful lives were over. They couldn't hurt anyone else. The rogues had run off, chasing others, and their distant struggles left her in silence. 

Slowly, her weakened body shook. Her wolf could only sustain a  certain amount of energy and they both grew exhausted. But, it was done. Yet, as she stared down at the corpse of her enemy, she didn't feel any better. There was no relief, there was no excitement, she just felt... empty. Maybe revenge wasn't as sweet as she thought it would be. 

Someone approached her, she spun with hackles raising, but her snarl quickly died in her throat. Fabian stood there. A crestfallen expression upon his face and his eyes were conflicted as they landed on her. At first, she mistook it for mourning his Alpha, but she was wrong. It was definitely directed at her.

"Val..." He began, voice cracking, "What had you done?" 

What do you mean? She questioned silently. Physically, she tilted her head. 

"I don't think you understand how the system works for higher ranks," He continued, stepping closer with a defeated expression, "But this is bad, Val, this is very bad." 

She felt her gut twisted. What had she done? 

Fabian took a deep breath, eyes closing briefly, and then he said, "If you kill an Alpha, you become the Alpha." 

She stopped breathing, her heart ceased its beat, and dread crawled its way through her body. Now she realized. 

She had made a grave mistake. 

♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦

And now the real torture begins. 

Honestly, I don't have any good news here. I had a panic attack at work and I was almost hospitalized. I've had a lot going on lately and its been especially heavy mentally and emotionally. I've been using poems to express my thoughts and feelings... it's been helping for the most part. I don't know. I just feel lost and confused. 

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