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"Hello little flower" I startled awake as I hear that sick voice as his breath brushes against my ear. The window of the house tells me it's nighttime now.

I close my eyes, hating him more every second that passes. "Did you miss me" he says as he lifts the gown that's twice as big as me and enters me. I feel a slight pinch of discomfort but that's all.

It's been over a year now. A year of endless torture, endless heartache. I found out that they are part of a group that's for hire, mercenaries. They attack packs if they are paid for it and I'm just the unlucky one that was captured for free, for entertainment. Red scarf is their leader, his name is Novu but he make me call him master or sir.

True to the wandering ways, we had moved from camp to camp, never settling in one place. I could only imagine if it was so they would never get caught by those they've offended or by the werewolf council. We managed to make a permanent home a while back because of the pups around camp.

I can't count the number of times I've been beaten and made to submit and whenever he's done beating me or training me as he likes to call it, he'll bring me a bouquet of wild tulips because I'm a little flower. I hate tulips.

I'm not allowed to wear underpants or anything that wasn't given to me. The only thing I'm allowed to wear is this big gown that's easy to put on but more importantly, easy to take off.

The only reprieve I get is that I'm not being shared around like the others they've captured. Although those ones don't last long. They either die of exhaustion or they kill themselves. Everytime one dies, I thank God that Megan was able to get away.

I learnt to stop myself from thinking about them, about my brother or Papa or Momma or Owen and Megan. It just hurts the more, knowing that I may never see them again.

When he gets done he pulls out and goes off to rinse himself. I'm not allowed to wash off, not until he says so. I'm so disgusted with myself.

"So, did you have fun while I was away"? He asks. He likes doing this, making small talk like he hasn't ruined my life.

"No sir" I answer, I know not to look into his eyes. Not worth that punishment. He hums as he sits down, content after saying himself.

"Good, good. You can go and wash now".

I scramble to my feet. Ignoring the sting in my nether regions as I move and head to the bathroom.

As I wash, I start to hear commotion outside and in the next second I hear Novu leave the house. If it's the men fighting again amongst themselves it's not going to end well for me.

Novu is going to be so pissed when he gets back and it would be taken out on me, one way or the other. I know its futile and it would only delay the inevitable but I hide in the bathroom, under the sink and wait.

The chaos continues for a while and the longer it takes, the harsher I know Novu would be with me. I'm so tired of all of this, tired of everything. My mind drifts back to that day.

I wonder, if I had stood at the intersection with Owen a little longer, or we had walked slower, I'd have been late to the pack house, then Meg and I would have been late to picking and we'd have never crossed paths with this lot.

A loud bang brings me out of my thoughts. Novu's back. I can still hear the chaos outside so why was he back. I could hear voices in the house, like they where searching for something.

The next second the bathroom door is opened and a pair of familiar oceanic blue eyes, identical to my own is staring back at me. The eyes fill up with water as he comes closer to me.

"Bonnie" he whispers. I've not heard that name in so long it takes a second to realize it's my name. The figure dances in my eyes as my own eyes fill up with tears at the sight of Drew, my older brother.

"Bon Bon" he says as he touches my face with gentle arms. My eyes close as I hear that name, tears roll down my eyes as I'm engulfed in a hug and the familiar scent invades my nose.

He leans back a bit to stare at me. "She's in here, I've found her"! He yells out and in the next second I hear footsteps and the bathroom door is filled with Owen, slightly frazzled and wide eyed as he stares at me before coming to join in the hug.

"You found me" I whisper, finally feeling safe after so long before loosing conciousness.


The constant beep is what I wake up to. As is my ritual for the past year, I don't open my eyes immediately, postponing my torture but rather take stock of my body for any pains and aches. It's during this that I recall my last memory. What had happened before I passed out and this makes me open my eyes immediately.

I'm in a hospital it seem. The room is sterile but bathed in soft colours. I look to my right and see the shape of a woman, short but curvy with a mop of brown hair. I open my mouth to speak but could only get out a croak.

This wakes her up and she looks up instantly at me. Momma. She comes at me in my next breath, hugging me so tight as I try to hold in the sobs wracking my body. The doors open and the pack doctor comes inside followed by my father and Megan.

I'm unable to stop the tears this time that pours out of my eyes in absolute happiness at finally being safe, at finally being able to see the faces of the ones I love the most.

"Hello Bonnie, how are you feeling" the doctor said smiling as he looks me over. I sign that I'm parched and I'm passed a glass of water with a straw and I drink in the water.

As I drink, the doctor rounds up what he's doing and Drew comes in as well as Owen.

"Hey Bon Bon" they whisper then stand to the side and wait for the doctor to leave but he doesn't. Instead he clears his throat, getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"Bonnie, it's amazing that you survived considering how much damage was done to your body" he says. My mom's tears seem to have found more energy to pour out as she cups her mouth. "There's so much scar tissue everywhere and broken bones but you seemed to have healed nicely. However there's one other thing" he stops as if the next thing he has to say would be difficult.

"What's is it doc" my father prompts, tired of the suspense.

"You're pregnant Bonnie. You're 5 weeks along by the looks of things"

I think my heart just stopped. All I could think about is why. Why am I so unlucky? Who in the world did I offend to be sentenced to this fate?

The doctor quietly made his way out of the room. I look at my Papa and I see his face twisted in anger and agony, my Momma's face streaked with tears, Megan's and Owen in equal horror but Drew, Drew's face was blank but in his eyes was a storm.

We all knew what this meant. Even if my mate would forgive the fact that I'm tainted, I doubt anyone would want to have me now. Now when I carry the seed of another male that isn't my mate's.

"I'll kill the bastard" my father's voice is dark as he seethes. He wants vengeance, justice for his daughter. My mother's sobbing drowns out his voice as she runs out of the room, unable to contain her distress any longer.

"You can't kill him Papa" my brother finally says. His face still a blank mask as he looks straight at me. "He's already dead".

*Thanks for reading 😘
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