Sacrifice for Unwanted Information

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"General! I need to talk to you! There are chips in our head and I don't know what they do but they caused Tup to kill a Jedi! We need to have these removed! The chancellor had them put in our heads- he told me everything! He tried to kill me!" Clone Trooper CT-5555 talked to them from behind a crate. The room was dark and Anakin couldn't see his face. It had been a rush, once they'd arrived on Corasaunt. Fives had apparently caused much trouble on Kamino, in order prove that there were chips in clones heads that made them do bad things. Anakin wasn't sure what to make of this theory.

"Fives slow down! Chancellor Palpatine isn't capable of that! You need to calm down and turn yourself in!" Anakin yelled. "No sir I can't do that I have to figure this out!"Anakin sighed and Tex looked worried beside him. "Fives come with us! We can help you!" Rex said. Several clones entered the room, with their blasters prepped. Fives' voice sounded full of panic. "We're not going to hurt you Fives." More clones entered the room. "CT-5555 you're under arrest!" "No! No! Get away from me!" Fives yelled. He came out from behind a crate, and spotted one of Rex's pistols. "Don't do it Fives." Anakin said. Fives put his finger on the trigger, but was shot before he could pull. "Fives! No!" Rex yelled. Fives fell to the ground, his armor smoking. He coughed up blood and Rex ran to him. "Fives!" "Rex..." Fives muttered, "This is bigger than all of us... the nightmares... the mission... it's all over..." "No Fives! Stay with me Fives! Fives! Fives!" Fives slipped away, and tears filled Rex's eyes.  Rex let go of Fives and looked up at Anakin. Anakin put his hand on Rex's shoulder. Anakin knew that Rex had been through a lot, but he never thought that something could push Rex so far into sadness. "I'm so sorry Rex" Anakin left the room. Rex bent down and whispered in Fives ear, "I will continue what you started and figure this out. I promise Fives." Rex stared at the body of his best friend, and when the room had completely emptied out, started sobbing.

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