New Misson

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"You're a Jedi?" Nyx looked outraged." Ahsoka's face turned hot. "I was going to tell you." She said. Nyx crossed his arms. Ahsoka sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm not a Jedi anymore. I didn't want to face my past and I should have..." Ahsoka trailed off. Nyx's face turned from anger to sympathy. "I'm sorry..." "It's ok. You have every right to be upset." He nodded.

"Do I have your help or not?" Bo Katan said, reminding them she was still there. Ahsoka crossed her arms. "What do you want, and why would I help you?" Bo Katan pulled a hologram from her belt. "We have a common enemy." She turned it on and Nyx's jaw dropped. A red Zabrack appeared. One that Ahsoka unfortunately recognized from council meetings. "Maul..." she whispered. "Maul is destroying my people, and I need to put him out of power. I've been monitoring several systems, looking for help, and I thought since you lost your way you might be able to."

Ahsoka looked back at Nyx and he nodded his head. "Mandalore needs you Ahsoka " Ahsoka turned back to Bo Katan. "Alright. I'll help you." Bo Katan gave a happy look, as far as she could. She shook hands with Ahsoka, and gestured to her ship. "We cannot waste time." Ahsoka turned to face Nyx. "This is goodbye I guess." He said. "How bout I come back once I'm finished. It can't take too long right?" He smiled. "Right." They hugged,  before Ahsoka boarded the ship with a new mission.

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