Scars You Can't See

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"Rex... Rex..." Fives' hand went limp, and the life left his eyes. Rex woke with a start. Ever since his death, Rex couldn't stop thinking about Fives and what he had said. Rex needed to talk to someone. He climbed out of his bunk and tiptoed to the bathroom. He wiped his face, put on her armor, and went outside. Ships flew past rapidly, not respecting the traffic laws on Courasaunt . It had been along time since anyone had seen the stars on Courasant. The pollution deluded the night sky making it impossible to see out into space. Sometimes he wished he could just leave, like Commander Tano did. Rex missed her dearly, but he was envious of her. She had been able to leave, but he never could. He would be abandoning all of his brothers, and the General, and he knew that the general couldn't afford do lose anyone else.

Rex got an idea. Maybe General Skywalker could help him do more digging on what happened to Fives. And he could provide some comfort. He needed to talk to General Skywalker. Rex went to the parked speeders along side the clone bunker and started the engine of one of them. When he got to the Jedi temple, he walked through the tall, glorious hallways. He  easily found the generals room. He knocked on the door.

"Come in." General Skywalker said from the inside. Rex opened the door and found the General sitting on the floor. The sun came through the blinds, giving the sign of morning. Model star fighters and various ships lay positioned around the room. A workbench sat in the corner. Rex had never been to the Generals room before, put he liked standing inside. It was very personal to the General.

. He was sitting in front of a sort of shrine. On the shrine there were two lightsabers and a string of beads. He knew they belonged to Commander Tano. The General had tears on his face. "General?" General Skywalker opened his eyes. "Rex your here very late" he said wiping his face. "I'm so sorry to interrupt General." He whispered. "No it's alright Rex. What do you need?" "I wanted to ask you if I could access any files on Fives." "Rex... those are off limits by order of the chancellor." "General! I owe it to Fives to at least look into this so he didn't die for nothing." General Skywalker looked sympathetic. "Alright Rex but you can't tell anyone about this." "Yes sir." Rex had no idea how the General got him the files but in an hour or so he was leaving the temple with the files. He found a room in the clone bunker where there was no one else.  He opened the files and read them all. Rex started filing his own report on Fives.

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