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It's an unfamiliar feeling for most,

To others...

It's their companion.


Dedicated to Miss_Messmaker thanks for your awesome comments. I love you and I love works❤❤. Please guys check out her romance story Desirable Reality youre gonna love it.


I stared in horror at the scene before me. I was terrified, unable to move or look away. My heart was in agony, clenching with anger and pain for being so helpless.

There in front of me, my mother was lying motionless on the ground. The back door of our house was wide open and the monster was no where to be found.

Tears streamed down my face as I turned my mom and saw her face. Her lips was swollen and she had a bruise on her left eye.

Gently placing her head on my lap, I sprinkled some water on her face. She sneezed and came to. She groaned painfully as she tried to sit up.

"Kee ya?" She asked.

I shook my head telling her I had no idea where he was. Mom nodded and limping quietly entered our room where my brother lay wide awake.

"Ebube, why aren't you sleeping?" My mom questioned curiously.

"Yeah, you were asleep when I left the room," I added stepping into the room after locking the door.

He shrugged then stared at mom. "I'll make money and take you away from him."

Unable to hold it any longer mom burst into tears.

"Why is my own case different, other of my mates married good husbands me I married a poor man who's using me as punching bag," mom lamented, "Chi m bia o."

I and my brother consoled her. I was equally crying because of my life, my parents and the damn guy I fell in love with.

My life felt so complicated that I just wanted to end it. Maybe if I die everyone would be happy or perhaps I wouldn't always witness this.

The incessant ringing of mom's phone jolted me from my dark thoughts and I realized she was asleep already with my brother.

Picking up the phone, I saw my sister's number displayed on the screen. I touched the green icon and placed the phone on speaker.

"Ami, how are you?" I heard Grace voice over the phone.

I sniffled. "Mom isn't doing so well."

"What happened?" She asked concern evident in her voice.

And I told her.

I told her everything that happened and how he hasn't come back home again. I told her of the countless bruises on mom's body. I told her of the countless times we'd gone to bed hungry including my little brother.

The more I spoke the more angrier I became.

How dare he hurt my mom and think he could go free?

I am going to kill him.

With that murderous thought in my mind, I lost track of what my sister was saying till...

"... He's mad. I'm coming back home. That madness that's doing him will do us both. I'll show him that I'm craze gal," she ranted.

Finally the call ended and I went to get my favorite things__my razor blade.

I ran the tip of the blade on my wrist and I felt the blood lightly sipping out through the small cut.

When I ran the blade again on my other wrist, I barely winced. I was immune to pain seeing as it had become my only companion to escape my reality.


I woke up with a pounding headache and I realized I must have passed out from the loss of blood.

My mom and brother were still sleeping soundly and I was about drifting off to sleep again when I felt my phone vibrating.

Wondering who could be the late caller I picked up the phone and saw his name displayed on the phone screen.

I picked up the call and waited for him to speak up.

"Obi m," he called me over the phone.

My heart was soaring from happiness. "Yes?"

He laughed softly over the phone. "Have you been crying?"

I sniffled before answering, "Yes."

"I'm so sorry love, I hate to hear or see you cry and I'm the reason for it. I'm sorry," he apologized profusely.

I longed to tell him what transpired between mom and dad but I bite my tongue and instead asked the question on the tip of my tongue, "Does it mean I'm forgiven?"

"I was just upset at the moment I'm alright now there's no problem between us," he explained.

I was literally the happiest person on earth but...

"What about my phone?"

He chuckled. "I'll bring it for you tomorrow at the shop."

We chatted for awhile and it was the best chat ever. He told me of how he loved me and missed me. He teased me about some other intimate things.

What! I'm a grown ass woman!!

Then he brought it up. "Your voice isn't bright at all tonight."

I cringed. I didn't want him to know about it so I told him it was nothing.

"If you're so unhappy in that house then you leave it," he stated.

I mused over his words few minutes after he had hanged up and we'd bade each other goodnight.

If you're so unhappy in that house then you can leave it.

This was a tempting offer and a good enough thing to do. This was the reason my sisters left him too.

But I could never bear the thought of leaving my mom and brother alone in this house.

Or could I?


A/N: Good news guys I'll be updating this book every Friday so stay tuned for more chapters.

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Kee ya - where is he?

Chi m, bia o - My God come.

Obi m - My heart.

Craze gal - crazy girl.

Much love ❤

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