Rumour has it

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Bong Soon: Min Ho..
Min Ho:You're here..
Bong Soon: What are you doing here ?
Min Ho:I needed to see you.

He immediately gets of the bed and charges towards her.He hugs hers

Min Ho: I missed you .

He kisses her.

After a moment he  let's her go and she's in shock.

Min Ho: You don't have to reply me yet.Take your time,I'll wait for you.
Bong Soon: How did..
Min Ho: I know you missed me too.Good night.

He kisses her on the forehead then leaves.Bong Soon just gets weak and sits on the floor still lost in the moment

MEANWHILE: .....Soo Hyun gets home and his dad is acting as if everything is okay.

Mr Baek:You shouldn't have left like that
Soo Hyun: What ,did you want me to sit and watch you.
Mr Baek:You should talk to me with a little respect.
Soo Hyun: You don't deserve that.
Mr Baek:I'll...
SooHyun: You'll what?Will you kidnap me like you did mom?
Mr Baek :(suspiciously) Who told you that?
Soo Hyun: (chuckles) You just did.
Mr Baek:You're  talking crazy .I know it's been a tough night for you .I'll cut you some slack.
Soo Hyun: If it happens to be true,I'll make sure you rot in jail.

He storms off


Bong Soon wakes up even more lost she can't believe both guys kissed her the night before.She still has to make Soo Hyun believe her.She also needs to find out what happened to Mrs Baek.

Bong Soon: I can't believe I got my first and second kiss yesterday, (squeals)Wow...Argh get a grip of yourself Bong Soon you still have bigger issues than that....I wonder where Mrs Baek could've gone?

MEANWHILE ....Min Ho has just woken up and his got a grin on his face,He's happy.

MEANWHILE.…Soo Hyun who barely got any sleep has his mind on Bong Soon, his dad and his mom.


Bong  Soon heads to Won Ho's place

Won Ho :You're here.
Bong Soon: Yeah I'm really curious. This will get things off my mind.
Won Ho: What do you want to hear?
Bong Soon :Why do you think he's evil?
Won Ho: Why do you think he's not?
Bong Soon: He has been nice to us .
Won Ho: (laughing) Has he?
Bong Soon: Yes he has.
Won Ho: He's never just nice, you must be cautious.
Bong Soon: Are we talking about the same person.
Won Ho: Yes he's very deceiving.
Bong Soon: Aish..
Won Ho: He almost lost the family company.
Bong Soon: How?
Won Ho: Well they started the company as father and son with my dad,he then started getting greedy.He tried killing one of the shareholders but he was caught.My Dad ousted him from the family and the company .I don't know what good your grandad saw in him but he gave him a job.
Bong Soon :What!
Won Ho: He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.We still don't know how he escaped from going to jail (jokingly) It wouldn't be a shock if he had something to do with your grandad's death.
Bong Soon:(confusedBut my grandfather wasn't murdered.
Won Ho: (jokingly) You think So?
Bong Soon: Well now I don't know.
Won Ho :(laughing) I'm just kidding .
Bong Soon: Are you sure?
Won Ho: Well biting the hand that fed him would be a new low even for him but you never know when it comes to that man.
Bong Soon:(scared) Awww...
Won Ho: Well if that's all you wanted to know I can drop you off home , I have to meet up with someone.
Bong Soon :Okay thanks.

story by a fangirl: who to loveWhere stories live. Discover now