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Yashiro arrived at the company early. Tsuchigomori-sensei informed her that her training will start today. Her training period can either last a week or a month if she's a fast learner.

Yashiro went inside the practice room. She didn't expect someone to be there. It was a boy with blonde hair sleeping peacefully on the floor.

Yashiro's POV

'Why is that boy sleeping on the floo-
Wait! Isn't he Minamoto Kou!!?? Minamoto Teru's little brother!!?? He's part of the band!! AAACCKK!! NENE CALM DOWN!!' I screamed in my thoughts.

I walked towards him and observed his face. He looks handsome

'ACCKK NENE STOOPP IT!' I mentally slap myself.

I search for something that could cover his body and found a red long cloth. I took it and covered his body then I suddenly felt a hand on my wrist.


I looked up and saw Kou pinning me on the floor.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you here before" I couldn't process what happened because of his captivating ocean-coloured eyes. Then I heard the door open revealing Tsuchigomori-sensei, Hanako-kun and a girl.

"What are you doing to our new recruit? I didn't know you were that wild Kou." Tsuchigomori said.

"SHE'S THE NEW RECRUIT!!?" Kou gazed down at me and saw his cheeks flushed from embarrassment. It also made me flustered as I notice our position and the people's stares. Before Kou could stand up, we heard a camera shutter. I search where it came from and found out that it was the girl who took the picture. Kou immediately stood up and helped me up.

"I'm so sorry Senpai. I didn't know. I'm so sorry. I thought that you were some stalker." He bowed at me multiple times.

"It's okay Kou. I just wanted to cover your body while you're asleep so you wouldn't catch a cold." I explained.

"I really am sorry Senpai." He apologized again.

"It's okay, really.. hehe" I giggled at his cuteness and I suddenly felt someone staring at me intently. I searched for it and as the result, it came from Hanako-kun.

"I forgot something Tsuchigomori. I'll be back." Hanako-kun left after informing him.

"Oooohh... I can now blackmail you with this, Kou~" The girl said showing the picture she took a while ago. The girl ran while being chased by Kou.

"Who was that sensei?" I asked him.

"That was Shijima-san. She's the 7 mysteries' photographer. Oh, and I hope you don't mind but can you fetch Amane for me?" He said and I nodded.

"Yeah sure." I walked out of the practice room and began searching for him.

Hanako's POV

'What's wrong with me? Why am I mad? Have I gone insane?'

I walked to the rooftop to make me relax a bit.

'I don't know why it made me angry seeing Yashiro being pinned down on the floor by Kou. Is it the fact that made me angry when she looked so vulnerable underneath Kou? Is it the fact that she looked so flustered? Only I can make her flustered, only I can make her look so vulnerable- WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING!?' I screamed in my thoughts not aware of someone's presence.

I flinched and turned around.

"Hanako-kun, Tsuchigomori sent me to fetch you. Let's go back inside." She smiled at me.

I don't know why but earlier I was very angry but when I saw Yashiro's face with a smile, it made me relax.

"Okay." I smiled at her then we went back inside.

Kou's POV

Senpai finished her training earlier. I was impressed that she was a fast learner. She looks adorable and I can't help but fanboy. I still need to apologise to her even though I already did.

'Why did I even do that in the first place!?? Kou, you're so stupid.'

I was waiting for Yashiro outside the building.

"Senpai" she turned in my direction and flashed an adorable smile. I couldn't help but be flustered.

"Do you need anything, Kou?" She asked while clutching her bag.

"Actually no. I just want to apologise again for earlier." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's okay Kou-kun." I flushed red from the nickname she made for me. She noticed my cheeks and that also made her flustered.

"U-uhh. I-im sorry for calling you that" she stuttered but she still looked cute.

"I-it's okay senpai. You can call me anything you like." I said while flashing her my signature smile.

"Okay, kou-kun." She flashed another adorable smile. 'I can't handle her. She's too cuuuttee!'

"Can I walk you home?" I asked.

"It's okay Kou-kun. You don't have to."
She refused kindly.

"I insist and also I want to buy you some ice cream." I said.

"It's okay Kou-kun-" I cut her off.

"Please senpai?" I pleaded.

"Okay." She giggled at me.

"YES!" She giggled at me again which made me flustered.

'Stop acting like a kid Kou!' I scolded myself.

We began walking towards the convenience store and I bought vanilla and strawberry ice cream.
I handed the strawberry ice cream to Senpai and she thanked me. We walked towards her home while eating our ice creams.

"Thank you Kou-kun. I enjoyed the ice cream and your company." It made me happy hearing it from her.

"Goodbye Senpai and good night" I waved at her then she suddenly came towards me. I looked at her confused. She grabbed the back of my head and then she kissed my forehead. I redden from her sudden action.

"That's a charm to help you go back home safely." She muttered under her breath but luckily I heard it.

"My grandma told me that if someone walks you home. You have to kiss their forehead to make their journey safe when going home."

"O-oh u-uh t-thank y-you for that S-senpai." I stuttered.

"I-it's nothing. Good night Kou-kun"
She waved at me and went inside her apartment. I checked if she already went inside before I go.

"I guess I'll have to walk you home so that I could get a kiss from you every day." I smiled at myself then realized what I said.

"What the!? What did I just say!?"
I sighed and went home.

(YashiroxKou for today's chapter cause why not? Sometimes I wish that there could be another manga wherein Yashiro would end up with Kou. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. JAAAYYYY OUT!)

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