Chapter 4 Rectify

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Pacific drifted into a restless sleep sinking deeper into obfuscated shadows of thought and obscured metaphors. A world tainted with uncertainty and foreboding. She could see the black cold water far below the deck rolling in white-capped waves as they broke against the bow. The cruise ship chartered its way around the cape. The night was black with stormy clouds. The rain was coming in stronger as the ship barreled forward unyielding into the unknown. Fear gripped my heart but I knew not why. I pulled my soaked hair out of my eyes to see ahead. I saw a single epicenter of light in a sea of black. The lighthouse beam on the cape forged hope to a blackness almost complete around it. As I tried to blink away the bright rainbow halos in my eyes I could see two silhouettes on the high tower their hands against the wrung of the guard rail. In my heart, I knew it was Dipper and Mabel. I shouted out unsure if they could hear me above the din of the storm and the rain.

The cruise liner was now picking up speed as it rounded the horn of the cape. We had to stop! I turned to Father and Mother at the helm. They were behind a glass-walled cabin. I shouted, "We have to stop!" They gave no response to having heard me. I walked up to the glass I pounded on the windows shouting "We have to stop, we have to turn around!" They looked at me in confusion then turned back away. The fear gripping my heart had now turned to full-blown panic. I looked at the boat's heading then back at the lighthouse. The cape had just been rounded and the cruise ship had straightened out picking up speed and the lighthouse was starting to pass away from me now. I took one last glance at the cabin and then I ran full speed down the deck. As I reached the edge of the aft deck I ducked under the taffrail. Holding onto the rail with both hands as I looked forward I hung out over vast space and water. I couldn't will myself to look down so I just jumped.

The fall was disorienting as I began to tilt backward with momentum, my face tilting up towards the dark sky. The icy black water hit me so hard I almost threw up. And I tried to reorient myself underwater. I began to kick furiously back to the surface. As my face broke the water I breathed in air desperately as the wind whipped at my face. The waves took me into the shore making the long swim possible in these waves. As I began to reach rocks I realized something. I would have to hold onto the rocks or be slammed against them. Fortunately, the waves were not too overly strong. If I wasn't careful though I wouldn't make it to the land in one piece. As the wave brought me close I lunged forward feet kicking at the water. My hands gripped the sharp rock face tight. As the wave receded back I held my breath. The next wave slammed against my back but I was ready and used the momentum to climb up to the next rock ledge. The next rocks were too high above me and the cliff face fell off on either side making going around impossible. Dipper had cast a rope down to me but I could not reach the end. I could see his silhouette climb down the rope Mabel looking over the edge. I held on for dear life as the waves nearly beat me off the cliff face. Terror was rising in my heart as the waves grew higher. As Dipper reached the end of the rope he stretched out his arm towards me looking into my eyes. "It's not too late," he said.

The dream changed and I was standing behind my father and mother. They were talking to the Gravity Falls town's committee. They were congratulating him on his recent inauguration to Mayer of Gravity Falls. They said the town and never been more profitable. Preston told them "Once we ran the Pines out of town business picked up." My heart fell in my chest. I grabbed his hand harshly pulling it towards me. "Where are Dipper and Mabel! What have you done to them!" He looked at me perturbed. Stepping back from the committee a good way dragging my arm unceremoniously with him he said, "After Stanley pines tried to break into my house and threaten me. I gave him an ultimatum. Leave Gravity Falls or I would make his family pay the price." I didn't know much about Stanley but even that seems like something he wouldn't do. "What did you do to him?!" I accused. "His brother Stanford found out about my plan to redevelop his property and level the shack. He threatened to expose my dealings with getting into office. "I made sure he understood we were on the same page." "You hurt Ford and Stanley came looking for revenge," I said in shock as my mind put the pieces together. "Yes, well his family packed up and they moved out. All but that insolent brat of his Dopper or whatever his name is." "Dipper!" I shouted. "Yes well, he went underground and started sabotaging my company. First, he started breaking into my warehouses and looking for evidence. But after I got wise to that he started hacking into my banking network security systems. It cost me millions. When he found out about the election, all on his own mind you, I decided enough was enough. I hired a company to leave false data trails of an expensive exchange of bearer bonds for offshore illegal merchandise. He came like a fish to water." "What did you do with him I asked terrified?" "Me?" Preston asked with false incredulity."I didn't do anything to him." "What have you done with him?! Where is Dipper Pines?!" I screamed tears threatening the edge my eyes. "I honestly don't know. You will have to ask the Department of Homeland Security."

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