Chapter 15 Northwest Party part 3

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I saw Preston round the corner and look the opposite way, then our way. Spotting us he quickly walked over to us looking very upset. He pointed at Pacifica and me. "You two follow me now!" Preston said curtly. I had seen this coming but was past the point of being worried about it by now. We followed him to his study on the side of the house.

He opened the door with a key and motioned for us to enter before he entered and closed the door behind him. He pointed stiffly to the two chairs in front of his desk before taking a seat behind the polished Yew desk. He sat there staring at us waiting for us to say something. Both of us knew better than to speak first. We kept our faces neutral, except when I had to wince in pain. 

Finally, he lost patience waiting, and spoke. "Mrs. Southeast just had a very unpleasant conversation with me. She informed me that her son had been knocked unconscious." He now turned to me. "I allow you to come to my exclusive summer party, in my own house and this is how you repay me? By beating one of the distinguished guests into an unconscious state? I know you don't have much in the way of class, but even for you, this is a grave mistake. I'll have you know Victoria was furious, she is threatening to press charges. I told her that would not be necessary. I told her this would be the last time you would be setting foot in my house. Elliot is a man of unequivocal ethics. A cut above the rest. For someone like you to strike him from behind, just shows what little spine you have.

I was about to protest, but Pacifica was first. She rose from her chair pushing both hands upward on the desk propelling herself to her full stature. Her eyes were swirls of deep blue with electric blue tints, cold and infuriated. Her eyes were like the sea in a storm as the waves crash over the bow in cold retribution. Flashes of lighting shown in crested arcs, dissemination of thunder in its wake. A coming nihilism beyond assuaging. Her eyes were a dark tempest of indignation. "Dipper Pines is the only man in this house who had shown a modicum of restraint, let alone civility tonight."

"So let's talk about your precious Elliot. Your man of 'unequivocal ethics'. Elliot told me and Dipper that he had forgotten his phone out on the range and wanted to talk to Dipper while I went to go on ahead and that they would meet me in the dining hall. This was after he feigned apologizing to Dipper and me to make us let our guard down. As I headed to the hall he led Dipper into the billiard room claiming it was a shortcut to the range. After I had just about reached the dining hall I realized apology was not in his nature and I doubled back to find them.

I heard Dipper calling for Elliot, who had hidden in the shadows in wait to strike Dipper. I walked around the corner just in time to see Elliot strike Dipper in the back of the head with a billiard cue. As he lay there stunned Elliot began to talk trash about Dipper's family. Meanwhile, I walked around the shadows grabbing your old walnut candlestick holder and I came up behind him and knocked him unconscious before he could strike Dipper in the back of the head again. 

If Dipper had any fault it was in that he trusted Elliot. He took his word at face value giving him a chance I would not have given him. For years that creep has been imposingly invading my personal space and trying to grope me. He had this in the making."

"And if you plan on kicking Dipper out that's fine, I'll be going with him. The shack is more like home these days anyway. They may not have our wealth or our sophistication, but they have something that makes them richer than us and the Southeast family combined. They love each other and connect on a level we never have in this house."

"For them, being a family is not about striving to beat the competition. It's about being there supporting one another no matter the cost. Dipper has taught me what it means to sacrifice for others. To risk everything to find the best in others. Especially when they don't see it in themselves," she turned to take my hand placing it in hers before turning back to face Preston. "The Pines are part of my life now, whether you send me packing or not makes little difference. I know in my heart this is the right choice and I won't be dissuaded."

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