Chapter 14 Northwest Party part 2

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Elliot had spotted Pacifica and his eyes lit up smiling as he walked over, drawing back his fine blonde hair with a comb. "Pacifica darling," Elliot said, "What's a fancy thing like you doing here?" "I live here," she deadpanned." "Well, I'll tell you, the drab I've had to put up with coming over here. You'd think when you pay people these kinds of figures you can expect a higher class people when you book first class." "Oh," said Pacifica. What happened to your private jet? Elliot shook his head. "It got hail damage on our trip to New York. It's being repaired."

"That has to be rare," Pacifica said. "Is your father here?" "No," said Elliot "He had to do some last-minute hand holding for a client who was closing offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands." Pacifica nodded then said, "I think most have the guests have arrived and we were just about to head up to the main dining hall. Would you care to join us?"

He looked confused for half a second, then he noticed me. He quickly looked me up and down, as if appraising me. "And you are?" Elliot said. Pacifica cut in. "This is Mason Pines, my boyfriend." He looked unhappy for a split second before he put a smile back on. "Well well well. Look who's been busy while I was away." I already found this guy annoying and was getting more irritated by the minute. On the other hand, though he was part of Pacifica's family so I wanted to be respectful if it could be helped.

Rather than being confrontational, I decided to stand straight and keep my face neutral. "So Mr. Pines what do you do for a living?" Elliot asked. "Well I just graduated this year, but I have decided I will be moving to Gravity Falls to conduct research with my Great Uncle." "I didn't know there was a research development team out here in Gravity Falls," Elliot said. "It's a private research team," I said. "I'm sure," Elliot said a thin smile creeping onto his features. I didn't like his tone. "What kind of funding does your team have access to?" Yeah, I was defiantly starting to not like this guy I thought.

"It's just me my uncle and my family," I said daring him to challenge me. He turned to Pacifica "Well you certainly have an eclectic taste," Elliot said. I narrowed my eyes at him thinking laugh it up, pretty boy. Pacifica noticed my eyes. "We will meet you in the dining hall," she said to Eliot. He nodded and looked her over sidelong one more time before he left, the slick git I thought.

As soon as he was out of earshot I turned to Pacifica. "If you had to put up with that for the last however many years of your life you must be a saint," I said. She grinned. "Yeah, he's a grade-A tool in a drawer of tools." This made me feel better. "Let's go find our seats," Pacifica said.

As we headed up to the dining hall she informed me that following after dinner there would be a shooting competition in the back yard as dinner was taking place at four. We walked in and as we did I could see the table was beautifully and ornately decorated in lush fabrics and colors. The hall had changed, and even the lighting from when I was here earlier.

Preston flagged Pacifica over to him. She walked over to him motioning me to wait. They were talking but this far from their end of the table I could barely make out anything they were saying. Then she started to look upset. They argued quietly before Preston started to lead her up to the head of the table if not forcibly, certainly pointedly. She looked back at me desperately. I knew whatever it was would not be good. Then Preston seated Pacifica next to Elliot at the head of the table. Of all the nerve I thought! No wonder he and Elliot get along. If he thought he could just brush me under the rug, he didn't know the Pines as well as he should. He would find out soon enough I thought. I was then forced to sit towards the end of the table as it had started to fill up. Pacifica looked at me with sympathetic eyes. I just had to make it through dinner I thought.

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