Chapter 16 Family

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We headed back to the mystery shack the woods passing by in the night. The pine trees were a sea of black, gilded silver by the light of the moon swaying softly in the night breeze. The road apparently reserved for us alone was quiet, the headlights paving the way forward. Pacifica had asked me if I wanted her to drive, but I was starting to feel a little better now. I couldn't stop myself from grinning every so often. We traveled in silence, having said everything that needed to be said, we relished in the joy of the evening.

As we pulled up to the mystery shack I parked Charlotte and applied the foot brake. I walked around to get the door for Pacifica. I opened the door, offering my hand. "Milady," I said smiling at her. She smiled at me taking my hand, grabbing her purse from the truck, and slinging it over her shoulder. We walked hand in hand up to the shack. I knocked at the door, "It's Dipper and Pacifica," I said letting them know who was at the door. I heard rapid sounds of feet sprinting across the wood floor. Grinning I already knew who's face to expect.

The door flew open and Mabel squealed with delight seeing our outfits now for the first time. Not even pausing to say anything she pulled out her phone. "Scrapbook-ortunity," she said! She raised her phone with a snap of the camera sound. "You have got to show me the scrap book it when it's finished," Pacifica said smiling. Mabel nodded at Pacifica in affirmation. "And don't you two look resplendent," said Mabel grinning just as big as we were. "We have a lot to tell you," I said. "I got you covered bro, you two take a seat, I'll grab the popcorn Grunkle Stan just made us, and I'll be right back. We took a seat on the couch, glad to be off our feet finally.

Mabel returned with the bowl of popcorn, and three smaller serving bowls. Dishing up the popcorn for everyone, as the Grunkles had already gathered their bowls. Then she sat in between us as she took her place on the sofa. But then she looked over at me and Pacifica. "Actually you two probably want to sit next to each other, I'll move over." "Your fine Mabel," I said nodding, Pacifica was nodding in approval too.  I said, "We actually really missed you. It's just not a party without Mabe the babe." She grinned from ear to ear. "And don't you forget it bro-bro!" she said grinning from ear to ear.

"Your text could not have come at a better time. We were just getting ready to greet the guests. Pacifica's family is...well interesting..." I said. Pacifica grinned at me. "What he is trying to say is that other than my aunt Louise most of my family is a bunch of prudes." Mabel snorted laughing. "But my family I can handle," Pacifica said narrowing her eyebrows. "It's Elliot Southeast that gets under my skin." Mabel nodded, remembering what Pacifica had told her earlier. "Preston then tried to separate Dipper from me by placing me and Elliot next to each other at the head of the table, while banishing Dipper to a remote part."

I spoke up at this point. "I saw Elliot move his chair closer to Pacifica, and he just kept crowding her. My blood was boiling by the end of dinner. Then she got up looking very angry at Elliot. What did I miss by the way?" Pacifica shook her head. "Oh the usual," she said rolling her eyes. "He tried to put his hand on my leg." "That creep!" said Mabel indignantly. "I've always had Dipper to keep the creeps in line. And trust me there have been a few now that I'm getting older. Poor Pacifica." She said looking sympathetic. Pacifica continued with a smile, "Well speaking of Dipper he saw me after I got up and followed me." "I wasn't the only one," I said with a note of hostility. "Elliot started tailing her, and that was the last straw. I had seen enough."

"I stormed out of the dining room after them as quickly as I could without making a scene. By the time I rounded the corner they were halfway down the hall. Long story short he started grabbing her shoulders and hurting her while she tried to push him away. I grabbed him by the shoulders spinning him around and slammed him against the wall." Pacifica grinned, "Yeah he squealed like a little girl." I laughed as I bent over in amusement. "I told him, 'If I ever catch you so much as bothering Pacifica again we're going to have a little chat out back mano e mano'." Mabel laughed saying, "Chalk one up for Dipstick, and zero up for 'screams like a little girl.' " We all laughed at that.

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