Chapter 6 Camping

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The crew of the Mystery shack, plus Pacifica, headed up to the RV. The sun was not yet above the horizon but birds were starting to bring forth their first chirps and songs as the skyline began to change from black to purple and deep blue. Grunkle Stan was at the wheel with Mabel, ridding shotgun. Pacifica and I sat in the next two seats back. Mabel had recently discovered coffee and was drinking from her bedazzled coffee thermos. Personally, Dipper thought introducing Mabel to coffee was about as great an idea as introducing peroxide to nitroglycerin. Though with the amount of chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and crushed candy canes she put in the coffee he was no longer certain it even counted as coffee. As we pulled up to the campsite Grunkle Ford pointed out the hand crank well to me. I could see the primer cup sitting on the cement ledge next to the base of the pipe. Stanley parked in a large parking spot just off the gravel road. The clearing up ahead through the trees was where the campsite was, just off the river.

We gathered our bags and headed with as much stuff as we could carry toward the campsite. I carried Pacifica's bag on my left shoulder and my bag and Mabel's on my right. Mabel carried waddles and Pacifica helped Stanley by carrying the smaller tent she and Mabel would share. We walked through the trees as the morning light was breaking the horizon casting conical golden beams of light in asymmetrical shafts through the branches. It gave the forest a mystic feeling of magic and wonder at the beauty of the trees and undergrowth. I could see Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine, Red Alder, Bigleaf Maple, Pacific Madrone, and Oregon White Oak in the morning's first light.

The medley of tree fragrances mixed with the heady and redolent scent of pine was a cascade symphony to my senses. I closed my eyes as the peace and joy of the woods sunk down to my soul. The tranquility and peace out here were transcendent. Grunkle Ford, Grunkle Stan, and I headed back to the RV to get the large tent and the rest of the stuff. I managed the tent, as Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford gathered the remaining cooking and living items. We returned and I began to set up the larger tent. Having camped in the woods often it took me less than five minutes to set up the large tent.

I looked and saw Pacifica struggling with the tent. I noticed her looking at the diagram then looking at the tent pieces in her hand as her eyes began to burn with blue ice and fire in frustration. I walked over to her. "Do you need help?" I asked in a congenial tone. She handed me the instruction card. "I think aliens wrote the instruction card," she said tartly. I laughed. "Yeah they don't make it easy," I said. She handed me the tent supports and said "Thank you Dipper," a softness returning to her eyes and her voice with a small smile on her lips. Something shifted in my stomach again accompanied by a flash of heat. "Anytime," I said returning the smile trying not to stutter. We set the tent up and then we helped Grunkle Stan bring back the fishing equipment from the RV clam-shell. Pacifica got a look on her face all of a sudden as we trekked back to the campsite. "We don't have to actually touch the fish do we?!" she asked. "Well I can help you," I said supportively while Grunkle Stan snorted in amusement. "It's just they're so slimy and freaky," she said. "Those beady little eyes! They don't bite do they?!" "Only the really big ones have a bite you have to worry about," I said, "The smaller one's mouths are too small to bite you, you see?" "I guess..." she said looking none too convinced.

As we got back to the campsite Grunkle Ford had Mabel, and Pacifica and I, go and get firewood. "Make sure it's not wet or too green," he told us. We trotted into the woods down a makeshift trail. Pacifica carefully took the dry wood I found as I handed her the  branches. I took a large pile of branches. "Are you sure you can lift all those?" Pacifica said looking surprised. "Oh yeah," I said "This is nothing. The Manitours used to make me train with heavier stuff than this," I said. Mabel came up behind me grinning. "My hero," she said swooning in jest. My cheeks turned red as I choose not to say anything.

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