Chapter 9 Crash Site Omega

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Pacifica stayed for the weekend before she had to go home, but when she had to leave on Sunday we had promised to get together later during the day. Meanwhile, Mabel and I had taken our test to get our driver's licenses. We had both passed but Mabel said she might have shaved a few years off her instructor's life at one point or another. Despite that, surprisingly we both passed. I was so excited to drive Charlotte that I could not wait. I had told Pacifica that we would travel out to explore one of my favorite places in Gravity Falls. I did not tell her it was crash site omega yet though. As soon as we got back from town, seeing as Candy and Grenda were staying over for a sleepover party, I parted ways with Mabel. I pulled the cab door open and hopped in. The engine sputtered to life and after backing out of my parking spot I tapped the accelerator to head out down gopher road. I headed to the Northwest Mansion, which still felt so weird every time. It felt great to be driving by myself, with no judgment or corrections from a trainer or adult, just open road and peace.

I had always been the type to be responsible anyway. In general, most adults were pleased with how I behaved. The few exceptions most notably were because of gravity falls weirdness-related incidences. Come to think of it the only adult I really ever confronted directly was Preston Northwest. I recalled confronting him about how he had made me do his dirty work in disposing of the ghost Archibald Corduroy just to avoid having to do the right thing. I remembered how mad I was. Then I remembered the words I said to Pacifica. "I was right about you all along. You're just as bad as your parents. Another link in the world's worst chain!" I felt bad thinking about how she had born the weight of those words. It had awakened something in me that day. I had seen a side of her I had never seen before after I saved her. When she confronted her parents, how hard that must have been I thought, they were all she knew really. Then I remembered what I had said in the hidden room "Pacifica, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. But just because you're your parents' daughter doesn't mean you have to be like them. It's not too late." It was like seeing a glimpse of light in a dark room. Even after the light had gone, I could never forget it. It had been engraved in my memory and my heart. From that moment on whenever I thought of her or saw her it was like a seed planted in my mind, the vestiges of hope. Given the right time and the right conditions, it would grow and blossom. And in seeing that growth something had changed. I began to realize an instinct had grown within me. One to protect and advocate. To defend and safeguard. I had not even realized this until just now, as I recalled confronting Grunkle Stan in the kitchen. It had not even occurred to me at the moment of confrontation. It was just an instinct I had acted on. That hope could not be destroyed. It had to survive at all costs. It would have its day to blossom.

The Northwest gates emerged before me, and I drove up the grand driveway past the gate, its wrought-iron logo backed by uniform spires and swirled architecture. I parked by the fountain on the drive taking my keys with me after applying the parking brake. I walked up to the front door my shoes making soft noises on the cobblestone pathway past the statues. I knocked on the door under the eaves. I waited till the butler came to the door. After he greeted me, I stated I was looking for Mrs. Pacifica Northwest. "She mentioned she was expecting someone." "Right this way sir," the butler indicated. I followed him into the dining room. It never ceased to amaze me the staggering size of the vaulted ceiling of this room. The Northwests may have been many other things I thought, but without taste was not one of them.

As we walked up the butler indicated to me with his hands and presented me as a guest for Mrs. Pacifica Northwest. As soon as Pacifica saw me she jumped up from her half-eaten lunch and ran over to hug me. I hugged her back leaning over to make the height difference less awkward. As I straightened out I could see Preston and Priscilla looking at me. Preston held a subtle look of pensive disapproval. As I walked over to Preston and Priscilla, Pacifica walked beside me looking from them to me, and back to them. "Good afternoon Mr. & Mr. Northwest," I said as neutrally as I could. Preston nodded not returning the gesture. "Pacifica and I were going to go exploring in Gravity Falls today." I looked steadfastly at Preston a resolve on my countenance. I could see he was not pleased but the look did not linger long. He merely said, "Call us if you plan on being late," to Pacifica. "We will," she said trying to mask her excitement. Preston addressed me. "Now you be sure to take care of her," he said looking at me to see my response. "I will keep your daughter, safe sir," I said resolutely. He nodded stoically and watched us go.

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