Chapter One

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It was a beautiful day in the kingdom of Arowdor--well, almost. Mehdi Coden would think otherwise. He was the prince of Arowdor and the only child, meaning he was the heir, and he dreaded it. He turned 18 three days ago, and his parents, the king and queen, were already pressing the issue of finding a wife. However, there was a problem. He didn't want a wife; he wanted a husband. That was a secret he's kept hidden for four years and planned on staying a secret for a while. He didn't know how people would react to the news, especially his parents. And because he was the only heir to the throne, they had reminded him more than once that he was to produce an heir to carry on the royal family name. But if he were to do that, the prince would have to fake his true identity, and he didn't want to do that. He wanted to be happy.

The first time Mehdi found out about his sexuality was when he was 14. They travelled to the town of Hudsly and stayed there for a week. During his stay, Mehdi fell for a boy. Literally. He was on his own and wandered to the fishing docks when his foot slipped on fish guts. He lost his balance and was falling, but before hitting the ground a hand caught his wrist. It was the fisherman's son. His name was Debblin, and he had the cutest freckles that fanned across his nose and cheekbones. His hair was full of curls and was the colour of sand. His eyes were green like the lily pads that grew in the pond and shone brightly in the sun. He was two years older than Medhi, but that didn't stop them from hanging out every day. Debblin even taught him how to fish. On the last day, they spent the whole day together sitting at the dock, enjoying each other's company. They even held hands; however, Mehdi never saw him again, and no one found out about their little fling.

He wanted to find someone like Debblin; someone who would treat him like a normal person, not royalty. He was sick of being treated like he was better than everyone when in reality, he wasn't. He was a human who bled, cried, made mistakes, fell in love...did anything and everything just like everyone else! The only difference was that he lived in a palace, had maids, guards, and servants. But he didn't ask for any of that. He was born into that life.

Which is why he couldn't be who he wanted to be because he didn't have the same freedom as everyone else. He was a prince, and princes follow the rules, even if it means he was to make his life miserable. That's just how it was.

Mehdi was currently hidden away in the library, tucked up in a chair in the corner of the room with a book open in his lap. Yet his focus wasn't on the words but the spaces between. He tried reading to keep his mind busy but it kept wandering back to the same information he was given earlier. Apparently, his mother and father had some news to tell him. He didn't exactly know what, but he had a feeling it had something to do with finding a wife. But he needed to wait until later at dinner, so he stayed in the same spot until that time came.


The prince sat quietly in his chair, hands resting on his thighs while waiting for his food to be placed on the table in front of him. His mother sat across from him and his father sat to the right of her.

Their food was served in less than two minutes, and the sound of utensils on china filled the room. Mehdi took a couple of bites, trying to ebb away the feeling of nausea, but it only made it stronger.

"Are you going to tell me the news?" he asked impatiently. He wanted to get whatever it was out of the way so he could eat without needing to hurl.

His parents stopped eating and looked at their son. They then took a glance at each other before his father turned back to him and spoke.

"Your mother and I have found the perfect wife for you."

Mehdi knew that was coming but still choked on his drink. He was expecting a sugar-coated answer, not a candid answer.

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