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The prince stood in front of his mirror. He was nervous, to say the least. The crown sat heavily on his head, reminding him of where his role lies. A blue sash was draped over his white suit that enhanced the colour of his eyes.

It was a big day. And it was a day where Mehdi would have never thought would happen. Ever. He thought no one would ever love him, or he would have to fake his love for some random princess. But here he was, trembling on the spot because he was getting married. And not just to some girl, but to a boy named Theodore Harwood that he fell in love with over the past couple of months. The boy he met on a rainy night when his parents told him about the arranged marriage.

His parents.

An ache washed over him at the thought of his dead mother and father. He wished they were here, but he knew all the same that they would be proud of him.

"You alright, there?"

Mehdi was jolted from his thoughts at the sound of the voice and spun around to see Reyan at the doorway.

"Yeah...just nervous is all."

"What? Scared he won't show up?" she joked.

"No," Mehdi said, rolling his eyes. "Everyone is going to be watching..."

Reyan moved into the room and stood next to him. "Of course everyone's going to be watching! You're getting married!" She hugged him excitedly.

"Hey! Watch the suit," Mehdi exclaimed, pulling out of her embrace and smoothing out the creases in his jacket.

"Sorry! I'm just really happy that my best friend is getting married! You look very handsome, by the way."

Mehdi turned back to the mirror, studying his appearance. "You think so?"

"I know so. When Theo sees you, he's going to fall in love with you all over again."

The prince smiled to himself.

"Oh shoot!" Reyan shouted. "We should go! Don't want to be late!" She grabbed Mehdi's arm, pulling him along with her, down to the garden.

They decided to hold the ceremony outside in the garden. It was the prince's favourite place, plus it was a beautiful day out, and Theo was happy with whatever.

At the garden entrance, music could be heard from the other side. Mehdi could see many of the maids and guards sitting in chairs that faced the altar through the glass doors. He even noticed Theo's mother and sister sitting at the front. They were to stay in the palace from then on.

"Ready?" asked Reyan.

Without taking a glance at her, he answered, "As ready as I'll ever be."

They walked, arm in arm, through the doors and into the garden. Eyes immediately focused on them.

Gulping down his nerves, Mehdi smiled shyly and took a step forward down the aisle. He was glad for Reyan's support, or else he wouldn't know if he'd even make it to the altar without his knees buckling beneath him.

Instead of focusing on the watching eyes and cameras, Mehdi trained his eyes on the decor. And he could say it was beautiful. Flowers bloomed and burst with every colour imaginable. It made the sky seem brighter and the sun warmer.

The prince didn't realize he was standing at the altar until Reyan removed her arm. She slowly walked over to where Amber was standing, giving him a grin and a wink.

Turning his attention back to the garden doors, he took a deep breath and exhaled as the music played again, and the doors opened to reveal Theo and Sam. They leisurely walked down the aisle and Mehdi couldn't help his mouth from falling open. Theo was striking in his blue suit. A couple of medals hung on the left side of his chest. Mehdi finally glanced up at his face and saw a smirk on Theo's lips.

"Like what you see?" Theo whispered once Sam went over to Billy.

Mehdi snapped his mouth shut, not noticing Theo walking onto the altar. And then they were face to face, gazing into each other's eyes. He was going to respond with something sappy, but the words were long forgotten. It was as if nobody else was in the room as he stared into Theo's dilated honey-brown eyes. No cameras. No people. Just Mehdi and Theo.

Theo smiled down lovingly at him, and that's when he knew that the last of the broken bits and pieces were finally glued back into place. He was whole again. 

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