Chapter Eight

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It's been three crazy days back at the palace. Reyan made sure Mehdi was kept busy or else—she was certain—that he would break. Plus, it didn't help with everyone running around trying to get everything organized for the engagement party that was coming up in two days.

    "Checkmate." Reyan had just won chess for the sixth time today. She and Mehdi were lounging in the royal lounge room and had been playing chess for the past four hours or so. It was the only thing that kept the prince entertained; everything else had failed. But now that this was Reyan's sixth time winning, she had started to think that chess was also failing.

    "What if he's hurt?" Mehdi suddenly blurted out. He was biting his lower lip as he stared wide-eyed at Reyan. This wasn't the first time Mehdi had asked that question today.

    Reyan sighed. "Mehdi, your boyfriend is strong and determined. I'm sure he is fine," she assured. "Anyways, he'll be back tomorrow safe and sound."

    Mehdi tried really hard to believe her, but he couldn't. He had a nagging feeling that something went wrong. Mehdi pushed that thought into the back of his mind and changed the subject.

    "Want to play another round?"

    Reyan arched her brow. "Are you going to try this time," she teased, knowing full well that the prince was trying as hard as he could.

    "Come on, do you really think I am that bad? I was letting you win this whole time!"

    The princess scoffed. "Alright, let's see what you can do then!"

    They played for the next three hours, Mehdi only winning one time. Not once did Theo cross his mind during those hours, but as soon as it was over, that same nagging feeling came back.

    Dinner was even worse for the prince. The king got a letter about the news in Mainqur.

    "What is it, dear?" the queen asked when she saw her husband's expression harden.

    "There has been another small attack" —he continued reading—"and one of Arowdors' guards has been killed."

    Reyan quickly looked to Mehdi and saw that he was on the verge of tears. He stared back at her with tears glistening in his eyes.

    "Did they say who, Your Majesty?" Reyan asked politely.

    King Tudor scanned the letter and shook his head. "No, it only says that he was found this morning. He was shot three times and was left there, bleeding out."

    Mehdi made a gagging sound and all eyes focused on him.

    "Are you all right, love?" his mother asked. The prince was paler than ever and his lips were pursed in a straight line. He quickly swallowed back his tears, cleared his throat and spoke.

    "I'm fine." His voice was raw and thick with emotion.

The rest of the dinner was quiet, which did not help with the prince's panic. Reyan watched him through her lashes the whole time, waiting for him to look up from his plate, but he never did.

After, they walked each other back to their own rooms in silence, a couple sniffs from Mehdi, but that was it.

"We don't even know if it's Theo," Reyan spoke up, breaking the silence.

Mehdi stopped walking and looked at Reyan. "But what if it is? What am I supposed to do if Theo doesn't come walking through those doors tomorrow?" he said, gesturing back to the palace entrance.

Reyan said nothing.


    Today was the day. The day where they would know if Theo was dead or not. Mehdi had a restless night. He didn't sleep a wink. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't stop thinking about Theo. And now that the day has come, it would not leave his head.

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