Chapter XVII

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Silent Broken Heart

Nick's pov

I was trying my best not to show the deep sorrow I was feeling.Y/n grabbed me to her house where I saw Sam and Emily approaching us.Emily hugged me tightly like I was her own son,and I always loved her.She even started tearing up about how she hasn't seen me for a long time.I gave her a sad smile and hugged Sam.They were like my own family, the family I never had the luck to be with.Y/n and I approached her room where we used to hang out most of the time...I took a seat on the chair near her desk...and as I took in the surroundings all the memories were again flooding back and my eyes were brimming with tears but when I felt her eyes on me,I managed to control myself and smile..

and as I took in the surroundings all the memories were again flooding back and my eyes were brimming with tears but when I felt her eyes on me,I managed to control myself and smile

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"Hey, What is it?"she asked , definitely noticing my change of expression,which I attempted to control."No,'s... nothing."I say and she looks at me like she knew I was lying..I sigh and ask her,"Why didn't you tell me about your imprint?".She looked shocked."I.....I....."she started."y/n,please..I thought we were best friends.."I said trying to get a few words out of her."I wanted to tell you,Nick but I didn't actually remind myself about that while talking to you..."she said and I replied rather loudly,"Alright, let's just say, you forgot to tell me,but imprinting on a vampire? Whoever he is , he'll suck your blood alive!"."Jasper isn't like that,he loves me so much,he wouldn't hurt me, ever!"she said tears streaming down her cheeks."I think it was a good thing I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to end up fighting with my best friend...."she said and I realised how much it hurt us both.But the words she just spoke,striked me like a dagger in the heart."Y/n, please...-"I say but she just tells me to go away,closing her eyes shut.."Please just go away,Nick!"she said and I walked out of her house....I can't believe I fought with her...but she's supposed to imprint on me when I imprinted on her....I suddenly gasped at the sharp feeling of pain in my chest,and felt myself falling to the ground..I knew what it would be like if my imprint didn't imprint on me...I would die a slow death starting now...

Y/n's pov

I regretted talking to him like that,but I knew the one disadvantage of being a werewolf, short - temper.I immediately felt regret hitting me like a wave but I didn't understand why he wouldn't support me for finding my imprint.He said he'd be happy for me no matter what...and yet he still got angry over the fact that I imprinted on a vampire.But I knew he'd come around he's my best friend after all...

Jasper's pov

I reached my home and it was awfully quiet...I climbed the stairs and I saw everyone huddle together near the couch around Alice."What is it?"I asked and approached them.Edward spoke,"Alice saw another vision.....of Maria and her army,she said that she saw them approaching Forks,to kill y/n".I was filled with rage,no one can lay a finger on y/n."No,No,No!This can't be happening!"I yelled.Carlisle approached me and put a hand on my shoulder,"Calm down ,son"he said."I think the only way we can get through this fight is we fight.... together"he continued, turning to everyone."Yay,let's go fight some newborns!"Emmet stood excitedly and said."No!"Rosalie shouted,"Why should we put our lives in danger,for some wolf?!"she said and I glared at her."She's not just some wolf, Rosalie, She's Jasper's mate..."Carlisle said to her.Rosalie looked at everyone and realised they were waiting for her to agree with them,"Whatever.."Rosalie said and rolled her eyes,"But, how are we alone going to fight this army?!"she asked and Carlisle spoke up,"Exactly,we need more people on our side..."he looked at me and I knew what to do...I immediately called y/n, waiting for her to pick up and arrive with some others from her pack and that we had something important to discuss.She agreed and said that she would be here in fifteen minutes.
I went to Carlisle and said that they would be here soon.

Y/n's pov

I quickly called Leah and Jacob to come with me to the Cullen's house to discuss something important.I quickly reached the door and climbed the stairs with Leah and Jacob on both my sides.I saw the Cullens standing near a couch and waiting for our arrival.I smiled and turned to approach them.Most of the Cullens were smiling at me except Rosalie.She glared at me and I pretended not to notice."What did you want to discuss, Carlisle?"I ask."It's Maria and her army,I hope Jasper told you so..."he said and I nodded my head,"Yes he told me.."."Well, Alice just had a vision,that she will be here with her army to fight...and we need all the support we can get to fight her off."Carlisle said and I looked at Leah then Jacob and they both nodded their heads."We'd be happy to help."I say.Suddenly, Jasper spoke up,"Newborns aren't easy to fight,they  are vicious...uncontrollable....and have a never-ending hunger for blood.

I would love to train you all to fight them if that's okay with you all

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I would love to train you all to fight them if that's okay with you all."the Cullens nodded and it was my turn to speak up."Yes, Jasper we would love for you to train us"I said and looked at Jacob and Leah who agreed with me."Fine, we're going to train 8 AM tomorrow morning,we would love for the pack to join us"he said looking at me with expectant eyes."Don't worry,I'll convince them all to join you tomorrow"I say and turn to leave, already descending the stairs.
"Atleast,we get to fight some vampires"Jacob says and smiles.Leah smiles too but teases me by saying,"Oh come on, Jacob!y/n's gonna feel bad!".I playfully glare at them both.

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