Chapter XXIV

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A battle ahead

Y/n's pov

There was a deafening silence.It was like the silent before the storm..All eyes were ahead awaiting the enemy.Whatever we trained in the last few days had to be used now.I saw a lady, with jet black hair and red eyes walking towards us and a few steps away her whole army was following.The wolves were all very eager to attack but my dad was warning them to wait.He wanted to attack only when they made the first move.

The lady was approaching with a smirk and I saw Jasper's stance stiffen

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The lady was approaching with a smirk and I saw Jasper's stance stiffen.I knew she was Maria.She cast a roaming glance at us as if searching for someone."We meet again...Major..."Maria said looking at Jasper.He doesn't reply but only glares at her."So, where's your beloved mate?"She asks side glancing at the pack again."........That's none of your concern.."Jasper said, staring daggers into her."Very well,then.."She said and lifted her hand and motioned her fingers forward from back as if calling people forward.Our gaze shifted away past her and saw a big army of newborns.Now, I was very uncertain if we'l make it through this but I'm not stepping back now."You don't have to do this,Maria"Jasper screamed out."It's too late for that,Major.."She smirked and ran swiftly towards us.
Soon,it was all chaos.The two supernatural creatures tearing into each other.I was attacking and defending by my father's side, remembering all of the previous days' training.I see out of the corner of my eye Jasper taking out a few newborns single-handedly.A recognisable voice screamed out in my mind,"Look out,y/n!"I turned my face to see a newborn lunging right towards me.I roared and striked his body down with my paws and teared off his head.Nick had given me the warning.I quickly thanked him in my mind with a nod and continued the battle.I see Carlisle struggling with a few newborns.I tear away the two newborns away from him.He thanks me with a nod.Maria was nowhere to be seen.Rage was taking over me and I wanted to finish her so bad.I let out a loud howl trying to calm myself.I saw that everyone on our side is safe.I saw a couple of newborns coming right at me and I was starting to panic.Jasper cut in, in front of me and teared one of the newborn's limbs away.

Jasper cut in, in front of me and teared one of the newborn's limbs away

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He gave me a longing gaze as if telling me to be careful.Then,he ran away to fight.My gaze met Maria's gaze and she smirked at me and I realised she knew that I was the one she was after.I run up to towards her and she approaches me swiftly, swatting me far like a bug.I hurted a little bit but none of that stopped me from getting back up again."A wolf?! Jasper's mate is a dog?!"She said, lifting me up by the neck with her superhuman strength.I was losing breath when a dark brown wolf came running from her side, headbutting her away from me.I shifted back into my human form breathing heavily.Nick ran after her to finish her.After a few seconds, I turned into my wolf form, eyeing my surroundings carefully.Esme and Carlisle were fighting off newborns on one side.

Esme and Carlisle were fighting off newborns on one side

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The number of newborns seemed to decrease by the minute.I saw Paul getting attacked from behind and rushed towards him keeping the newborn from approaching him.The chaos seemed to lighten up as I slowly saw most of the Cullens and the pack other than the newborns.Maria was nowhere to be seen and so was Jasper.Now, I was worried.I turned to face Carlisle and Esme who were cornering a girl who looked scared.I turned to see Nick approaching from the woods slightly limping."Hey..Hey,Are you okay?!"I say going over to him.Seth took him away just as he turned into a human.I saw Jasper run out the woods, towards me.I shifted to my human form and ran towards him, hugging him tightly.."Maria, Where's she?We have to fi-"I was cut off when he spoke."I saw Nick fighting with her and struggling so, I helped him...and killed her"he said with a heavy sigh, and smiled at me."No more enemies keeping us away.."I saw all of the Cullens gather around with the girl I saw earlier and most of the pack standing a few steps away watching me as if they were asking me,if I wanted to return.I replied that 'I'll be there soon' by mind and most of them left.I was still standing close to Jasper when Alice spoke,"The Volturi.. They're here..!"I looked at the other side of the forest to see four dark figures approach like ghosts and a chill ran up my spine.I knew they were like the Royal society of the vamps but they looked too powerful.I slightly stood behind Jasper.

The girl with the red eyes and blonde hair stared at Jasper like she was trying to look through him to see me

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The girl with the red eyes and blonde hair stared at Jasper like she was trying to look through him to see me.
"Impressive, I’ve never seen a coven of this magnitude intact"the girl said.Carlisle replied,"We were lucky".
"I doubt that."she said with her dark red eyes, glowing.The dark-haired boy near her spoke," It appears we’ve missed an entertaining fight"."Yes, it’s not often we’re rendered unnecessary"she said,her lips forming a little smile."If you’d arrived a half hour ago you would’ve fulfilled your purpose"Edward said.She stared him down for a few moments before speaking,"Pity"."You missed one"she said looking at the girl standing behind Carlisle and Esme.Carlisle spoke out,"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender"."It wasn’t yours to offer"she said.Her expression never changed."Take care of that, Felix. I’d like to go home"she said and a very big guy stepped up and grabbed her by the hair, pulling the head out her body.I gasped at the sight and the four of them seemed to notice me."Who is that?"the boy beside her spoke.Carlisle turned to look at Jasper before answering,"That's y/n, Jasper's mate"."A wolf.Seems like the prophecy is true....after all"she said and her bloody red eyes pierced through me."Aro will be delighted to hear about this..."she said.They turned around and left without another word.We turned back to return home.Jasper kissed me one last time before returning to the Cullens.I made my way towards my house when I saw a newborn approaching me.I was finding it very hard to transform into a wolf at this point,when Nick came out tackling the vampire.The newborn stabbed him under his chest just as he tore the newborn's head away.I rushed towards Nick, trembling hands over his chest to stop the bleeding."Nick,Hang on... You'll-be alright"I said my fingers and voice shaking from the fear of losing him.He looked at me through his glossy eyes for a moment before my dad and the others from the pack tied a tight cloth around his torso and carried him to his home.I hope Nick will be alright....

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