The Party Begins

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Note: The choices system only works if you are reading this in its completed form. If you are reading this as it updates (ie. Any time before October 31st, 2020), you will pretty much only be able to experience it linearly as not all the options will necessarily be available at the time of reading.

You knock eagerly on the door, a backpack slung over your shoulder, containing everything you'd need for the night. You'd been excited all week for this and the day was finally here, Halloween.

Roughly a week ago, you'd received an exclusive invitation from your good friend John Egbert, who was hosting a Halloween party at his house. According to the card he'd given you, you were to be his guest of honor and from the sounds of it, everyone had come together to plan something truly special.

The door swung open revealing John's smiling face. "Y/N! You're here!" He said happily, stepping back to give you enough space to enter. "Come on in, everyone's waiting for you in the living room!"

You follow his lead, leaving your shoes and jacket at the door. It was nice getting out of the Autumn chill as night was already falling. It was even nicer knowing that all of your friends were waiting for you inside.

Once you'd dropped everything off, John lead you over to where everyone else already was. They looked up when you entered and a chorus of hellos and welcomes greeted your ears.

You scanned the group. Rose was explaining some horror story she'd read to Kanaya who was putting finishing touches on a costume while Feferi looked on eagerly. Jade, Dave and Karkat were sitting around a mini alchemizer, a small pile of candy already accumulating on the ground next to them.

Gamzee was lazily putting face paint, similar to his own, on Tavros who was having a hard time holding back giggles. Terezi sat just a little ways away, inching ever closer to the red paint, while Vriska kept a wary gaze on her. Aradia and Sollux were sat in a corner, sorting through a large pile of movies.

Eridan seemed to be on the phone ordering something. Nepeta was talking in his other ear, though it was hard to tell if she was helping or not. And Equius watched over the whole thing with a mildly disapproving look.

"Well?" John said, once you'd had some time to take it all in. "What do you want to do first?"

The next four chapter are the options to this choice. You're free to do as many or as few of them as you'd like, in whatever order you want. The story will make sense no matter what. And once you're satisfied, go to the chapter titled "Midnight" to continue the story!

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