Eat Some Candy

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"Well," you say, scanning the room once more, "No Halloween is complete without candy."

"Got you covered," Dave said, waving you over. "Behold, our treasure trove of treats."

You sit down next to the pile eagerly as Karkat rolls his eyes at the alliteration. "Don't call it that," he said, "It makes it sound more impressive than it really is."

"Does it, Karkat?" John asked, joining the group and picking through the pile. "Is, watermelon warheads, not important to you?"

"Again with the letters," Karkat said, "Are you two doing this on purpose? It's not going to impress [Y/N]."

John flushed and Dave pretended to be offended.

"Woah," he said, putting a hand on his chest, "Not cool bro, it's not my fault I'm on a roll." He fished around in the pile for a second before tossing a candy at Karkat's head, "A tootsie roll that is."

"Humans have the stupidest names for things," Karkat grumbled inspecting the candy that had been thrown at him. "These do taste pretty good though."

Jade giggled at the scene and turned to you, "Anything you want in particular?"

"Do you have any [Favourite/Candy]?" you ask looking through the pile.

"Hmm," she helped you search for a moment before snatching something up triumphantly. "Found one! Here you go."

"Thanks," you say popping it into your mouth with a smile. The sweet taste spreads through your mouth and you grin, "Hey, these taste pretty accurate. Nice one!"

"Thanks," Jade said, "It was Dave's idea but I'm better at alchemizing than him." She tapped her forehead mischievously, "It's all science after all, and that's my strong suit."

"That's for sure," Dave said, pushing Karkat off of himself and pulling away from the tussle that had broken out while you weren't paying attention. "But that just means I have more time to eat the candy."

He opened a pack of skittles and shook them at Karkat. "Look at that Karkles, troll eggs."

"I'm not gonna fall for that twice, dumbass," Karkat growled, snatching the bag away from him and dumping them into his mouth.

Soon the whole ordeal had attracted the attention of the others as well. "Got anything red?" Terezi asked settling down next to Dave.

"Twizzlers?" he offered, handing her a pack of licorice.

She took a sniff and nodded with satisfaction, "The jury approves," she declared and ripped the bag open with her teeth before digging in.

As more people joined in the fun, Dave and Jade got back to work alchemizing even more types of candies and eventually even making up new ones by combining the ones they already had. 

You tried your hand and making some too and eventually, after some trial and error, settled on what you insisted to be the ultimate candy combo. The others disagreed.

"You're crazy if you think that beats sour licorice," Dave said, taking a bite out of his sour patch kids-twizzlers combo.

John made a face at this declaration. "Licorice sucks and sour dust doesn't make it better," he said. "Chocolate and fruit already goes together so clearly my chocolate gushers are better."

"I can't eat chocolate though, so Dave wins," Jade said, "Sorry John."

John pouted exaggeratedly and turned to you, "You think mine is better than Dave's right?"

You laugh and give him a little pat on the head. "Sure John," you say, eating one of his chocolate gushers, "Their pretty great." You pause for a moment then shrug, "Mine are definitely the best though."

After another bout of friendly bickering arose as the trolls too started joining in on the alchemizing fun, everyone eventually decided they'd had enough candy for the night.

"I couldn't eat another bite," Sollux said, flicking a kitkat wrapper at Eridan who batted it away angrily.

"I could but we should do something else. I think candy's meant to be a snack, not a meal," Tavros chimed in.

Rose nodded in agreement and started shoving the remaining sweets into a pile, "Sounds good." She frowned at the candy, "Wish we had a bag to put this in. I'm going to go get one, I'll be right back."

She stood up to leave and Gamzee turned to you, still sucking on a lollipop. "Your ideas have been good so far lil sis, what should we do next?"

If you would like to do another activity, pick any one of the next two chapters or the one before this. If you would like to continue the story, go to the chapter title Midnight. Enjoy!

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