Eridan Ampora

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"I pick... Eridan!" You decide, grabbing his hand, "It'll be fun, and you can protect me."

Vriska smirked, "He can try, but he might be wimpier than you."

The others paired off as well and once everyone was ready, Jade took the lead, "Alright, let's go."

The group took a moment to gather up their things and headed over to where the haunted house was mostly set up. Once you arrived, Jade stepped forward once again to give a few reminders.

"We're gonna need a moment to prepare," he said, "Don't worry, it'll be easy to tell when you can come in. Stay in your pairs if you can and have fun! See you soon."

A few people broke away from the group and followed her inside to prepare. You smiled at Eridan, "Are you excited?"

Eridan planted a kiss on your knuckles and smiled. "I'd be excited to do anything with you," he declared and you scoffed but failed to hide a blush.

"Such a charmer, but I suppose it's in the name," you joke.

Just then, the sound of a bell rang out from inside the house and the door creaked open all on its own. The experience was about to begin.

At your request, you and Eridan waited for everyone else to go through part way first so that the two of you would be uninterrupted as you went through. You let him lead the way into the house.

Skittering noises could be heard in the walls as you walked, along with squeaking and chattering. You squinted at the walls. "Are there real rats in there?"

"Rats, probably not. But living creatures, maybe. Tavros was in charge of that and he may have gotten help from some beasts."

You nod, impressed by the ingenuity and the two of you continued into the next room where the room had been set up like a forest.

The trees pressed in on you on either side. Eridan took your hand and led the way forward, free hand on his sword.

"There's no need for that," you murmur, pushing his other hand off the handle of the sword. "We wouldn't want to hurt anyone."

A howl rang through the trees and you watched with anticipation as a dark figure landed in front of you. Eridan jumped back and you squealed upon seeing Jade crouching before you, dressed as an eerily realistic werewolf.

She grinned at you, revealing rows of sharp teeth. "Did I get you?"

You giggle, "Definitely," you said and gave Jade a pat on the head, "An excellent costume and scare."

Eridan shifted anxiously, "You didn't scare me," he insisted, "Just surprised me, that's all."

Jade rolled her eyes at him and turned back to you, "Sure you weren't. One room down, two more to go." Then she ran off into the woods leaving you to finish the last few steps to the door.

"I wasn't scared," Eridan insisted to you as you continued along.

"Of course not," you reassured him, fixing his cape which had become slightly askew. The two of you entered the second room. This one was set up to resemble a graveyard, giving you a good idea of who might be waiting for you.

You let Eridan take the lead and a few steps in, you felt a tap on your shoulder. "What was that?" you yell loudly and grin to yourself as you feel Eridan pull you close and draw his prop sword.

Before you could remind him not hurt one of your friends, he'd already knocked the head off an animated skeleton. Your guess was right, this was Aradia's room. "My hero," you giggle.

"Of course," Eridan nodded, sheathing his sword. The skeleton crossed its arms, seemingly annoyed before collapsing into a pile of bones.

Eridan took your hand and continued forward. As the two of you neared the other side of the room, you felt something brush your ankles and you looked down to see a skeletal hand clawing at your feet.

You gave the hand a little kick before looking back up just in time to see Aradia pop out in front of you.


You let out an exaggerated scream until couldn't help but laugh, "This was awesome, Aradia. It's a good thing Eridan didn't take your head off too though."

She laughed, "Two rooms down, one left to go."

The two of you continued onwards, into a long hallway, dimly lit by fluorescent bulbs. You listened to their humming and watched the small windows that lined the hallway. There seemed to be no way to go but forward.

"Could you check the windows for me?" You ask, tugging on Eridan's cape. "I'm too scared."

Eridan tried to hide a look of disgust at touching the dusty walls but did so anyway. "Of course [Y/N]." He peered into one of the windows and frowned, "Can't see anything, it's too dark."

"Oh well," you say, "Let's keep going then, you can lead if you'd like".

Eridan nodded and took a step forward but the second he did so, the lights above flickered ominously before surging to a blinding glow.

A loud wailing started up and you realized with a start that bandage covered hands were now reaching out from every window, grabbing blindly for you and Eridan.

"Run!" you yelled, laughing and grabbed Eridan's hand. The two of you ran down the hall, ducking beneath the outstretched hands that you tried to high five as often as you could.

Right before you reached the end of the hallway, the hands retreated and the lights returned to normal. But the moment of reprise did not last long before a section of the wall fell in with a boom, revealing Sollux as a mummy, his eyes sparking with the effort of using his psionics.

He staggered out towards you and clasped both of you on the shoulder making you yelp.

Eridan frowned and batted Sollux's hands away. "Don't touch us," he snapped.

Sollux chuckled, "Trust me, ED, I wouldn't have if I knew it was you," he said putting his hands up.  "Anyway, you've passed the final room."

"Thanks Sollux," you say, breathless from running. "That was so scary," you add with a discrete wink.

Sollux laughed, "I'm sure it was. ED, you'd better console your matesprite." Before either one of you could respond, he'd pushed you through the door and shut it behind you.

The two of you went through the final door and emerged on the other side of the house. The rest of the group were already out there waiting. Some looking more scared than others.

"How was it?" Feferi asked upon noticing your arrival.

"I enjoyed myself more than I thought I would, to be honest," Eridan admitted, "And I'm sure most of that was thanks to [Y/N]"

You grin, "Aww, do you really mean that?"

Eridan laughed and kissed you on the cheek, "Of course, [Y/N]"

A chorus of reactions came from the others but you ignored them all and just smiled at [CHOICE before returning the kiss.

This would be a Halloween to remember.

I hope you enjoyed this. Happy Halloween!

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