Vriska Serket

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"I pick... Vriska!" You decide, grabbing her hand, "It'll be fun, and I can protect you."

John laughed, "Vriska is probably the last person here to need protecting. But maybe you can protect the scarers from her instead."

The others paired off as well and once everyone was ready, Tavros took the lead, "Alright, uhh, let's go now."

The group took a moment to gather up their things and headed over to where the haunted house was mostly set up. Once you arrived, Tavros stepped forward once again to give a few reminders.

"We'll need a little moment to get set up," he said, "Uhh, don't worry, you'll know when we're ready. You don't have to stay in your pairs but it would be nice. Oh! And most importantly, have fun. See you soon."

A few people broke away from the group and followed him inside to prepare. You smiled at Vriska, "Are you excited?"

Vriska cracked her knuckles and nodded. "I can't wait to see what pathetic things they've come up with to try and scare me," she declared and you laughed.

"I'm sure they won't succeed."

Just then, the sound of a bell rang out from inside the house and the door creaked open all on its own. The experience was about to begin.

At your request, you and Vriska waited for everyone else to go through part way first so that the two of you would be uninterrupted as you went through. You force yourself to smile as naturally as possible as you enter the house.

A fishy smell hung in the air and horrorterror tentacles grabbed at you from the walls. You shuddered as one brushed against your skin, slimy and cold.

"Who's idea were those? Rose?" you ask.

"Feferi, I think," Vriska said, flicking one that got to close. "They're pretty cool."

"Yeah, cool," you say quietly.

The two of you continued into the next room where you felt yourself relaxing slightly as you saw how the room was decorated like a child's bedroom. That is, before you started noticing how the wall paper peeled and the toys that lay scattered about were all broken and the furniture in disrepair.

"Nothing scary about a child's room," you say as the two of you made your way across the room. Suddenly, you heard a scraping sound behind you and you whirled around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Except, did those toys move?

"See something?" Vriska asked and you shook your head. But when you heard another noise behind you, you turned around even quicker than the first time.

"Those toys definitely moved," you said nervously. The words had hardly left your mouth when the toys stirred and crawled towards you, reaching for your feet. You realized that they weren't toys after all, but fiduspawn creatures.

A tap on your shoulder made you spin around with a shriek and you found Tavros leaning over you. "Boo," he said with a grin.

Vriska laughed, "Nice job, Toreadork, you actually scared [Y/N]."

Tavros blinked at what sounded like a compliment from Vriska, unsure of how to respond. "Uhh, thanks, I think," Tavros said, "One room down, two more to go."

Vriska nodded and took your hand, leading you away from fiduspawn creatures crowding around your feet, which actually looked quite cute now that you knew what they were.

"It wasn't actually that scary, you know," you lie as you continue on.

"Of course," Vriska said with a teasing smile.

The two of you enter into the next room which was filled with yellow fog and smelled faintly of brimstone. "It sure is hot in here," you noted, tugging at your collar.

"It's cause you're here," Vriska said without skipping a beat.

You blushed furiously and looked away. As you did, you noticed movement and heard cackling laughter from the corner. But when you looked took a closer look, there was nothing there but settling fog.

"Did you see someone there?" you asked Vriska, sliding closer to her.

"No," Vriska said looking in the direction you were facing, "Did you?"

You looked around once more and noticed a flash of a pointed tail, "Oh yeah, definitely," you said nervously. Then you glanced at Vriska and laughed, "But you know, whoever's there isn't that scary."

"How dare you," Terezi sneered, dropping down from the ceiling in front of you, brandishing her cane.

You yelped and jumped back, "Was not expecting that," you laughed nervously.

"No, you weren't," Terezi agreed, "Two rooms down, one left to go."

Vriska smirked, "Nice costume Pyrope, but I still think you should have gone with the Redglare idea."

"Yeah right, quit pitch flirting with me and focus on your date," Terezi shot back. She tapped the both of you on the head with her pitchfork and yanked on a rope you hadn't noticed before. 

"Later losers," she said before the rope pulled her up towards the ceiling with a cackle.

The two of you continued onwards into the next room where the thick cobwebs covered the walls. A coating of dust caked the floor and you kept your eyes peeled for any upcoming scares.

When you saw nothing you took a deep breath and began to make your way across the room. "This isn't so baaaAAHH!" Your sentence was cut off by a scream as a tall gangly figure lunged out from the shadows, hands outstretched.

You jumped back into Vriska who steadied you by the shoulders and pushed you back onto your feet, "Careful, [Y/N]. And relax, it's just Gamzee."

You laughed sheepishly and nodded at the figure, who, now that you had a clearer look at him, was simply Gamzee in his scarecrow costume.

"Got you, motherfucker," he grinned lazily, waving long straw fingers at the two of you. "Congrats on passing the final room," he said and stepped aside with a little bow.

"Final room already?" Vriska laughed, "I was just getting into it, right [Y/N]?"

Caught off guard, you stammered out a noise of agreement while silently being glad that the experience was over.

The two of you went through the final door and emerged on the other side of the house. The rest of the group were already out there waiting. Some looking more scared than others.

"How was it?" John asked upon noticing your arrival.

Vriska crossed her arms, "Not scary at all, at least for me. I had to take care of [Y/N] though."

You pout, "Oh come on, I wasn't that scared," you protest.

Vriska laughed and kissed you on the cheek, "I didn't say it was a bad thing."

A chorus of reactions came from the others but you ignored them all and just smiled at Vriska before returning the kiss.

This would be a Halloween to remember.

I hope you enjoyed this. Happy Halloween!

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