Terezi Pyrope

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"I pick... Terezi!" You decide, grabbing her hand, "It'll be fun, and I can protect you."

Karkat rolled his eyes, "Talk about cheesy, she's not gonna need protecting."

The others paired off as well and once everyone was ready, John took the lead, "Alright everybody, let's go!"

The group took a moment to gather up their things and headed over to where the haunted house was mostly set up. Once you arrived, John stepped forward once again to give a few reminders.

"Give us some time to get set up," he said, "You'll know when we're ready. You don't have to stay in your pairs but it might be nice to. And most importantly, have fun. We'll see you later!"

A few people broke away from the group and followed him inside to prepare. You smiled at Terezi, "Are you excited?"

Terezi nodded, drumming her fingers against her cane. "Excited to not be scared at all," she declared, "I bet all the scares will be purely visual anyway."

You blink, "Oh yeah, I hadn't thought of that. I'll be sure to describe everything for you in detail."

Terezi laughed, "Right."

Just then, the sound of a bell rang out from inside the house and the door creaked open all on its own. The experience was about to begin.

At your request, you and Terezi waited for everyone else to go through part way first so that the two of you would be uninterrupted as you went through. You walk into the room, and pretend to inspect the walls closely, stroking your chin.

"Hmm, ah yes, creepy claw marks on all the walls. Quite dusty, and I do believe this is... moss?"

Terezi nodded, "A wonderful assessment. Luckily, I already know the culprit. Jade did the decorations."

"Oh, makes sense," you say, poking curiously at the moss. "Let's keep going then."

The two of you continued into the next room where ominous green slime covered the walls. You lead Terezi over to the slime. "Do you think this is John's room?" You ask, "A ghost buster isn't that scary."

Terezi inspected the slime closely, giving it a sniff. "You're probably right, but then again, nothing John does is ever that scary."

You laugh and turn just in time to see a ghost swooping towards you. You laugh as it comes to a stop in front of you. "I guess I was right, hi John."

With a nod, he pulls the sheet off his head, revealing John's smiling face. "A ghost buster isn't that scary," he agreed, "Which is why I switched to the ghost's side instead."

"Nice try, dork," Terezi taunted, tapping John with her cane.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," he said laughing, "Well, one room down, two more to go." John put the sheet back over his head and waved. "Good luck!"

The two of you continued onwards and you narrowly avoided walking right into a large pool of water. "Careful," you say to Terezi who was following just behind you. "There's a lot of water."

You look out into the room that seemed to drop down right after the door and had been filled with water. The only way forward was a rickety looking pathway of wooden planks. Plastic vegetation framed the walkway, giving the impression of being deep in the jungles.

Terezi tapped the wood with her cane and grinned, "Oh yeah, this place reeks of Vriska. It's definitely her. Care to lead the way?"

Eagerly, you stepped out onto the path which creaked beneath your feet but did not seem in danger of collapsing. Halfway across the water, you heard a woosh to your right and turned to see Vriska swinging past on a vine, cutlass brandished.

"On guard!" she declared as she landed on the planks and threw a handful of powder forward. You ducked, narrowly avoiding most of it but Terezi didn't and got a face-full of red chalk dust.

She sneeze and coughed. "Really?" she sneered at Vriska, "Did you do this just for me?"

Vriska laughed, "Of course I did. Nothing but the best for you and your date."

You giggled and helped to dust Terezi off a little bit. "Hey, at least she chose red."

"yeah, at least," Terezi grinned, licking the dust off of herself.

Vriska made a face, "Congratulations on not falling, two rooms down, one more to go," she stepped aside to let you pass but couldn't resist giving Terezi a little shove that sent him tumbling into the water.

She emerged complaining loudly and you realized that the water was not very deep at all. Vriska cackled, "I'm just helping you wash off."

"Well allow me to return the favor," she said, jumping back onto dry land and thoroughly splashing both you and Vriska. "Run!" she yelled and the two of you dashed ahead into the next room before Vriska could do anything.

The final room was homely and warm, helping fight the chill of your soaked clothing. A fire place blazed against one wall and someone sat in front of it, with their back towards you, stirring a cauldron.

You squeezed Terezi's hand and put a finger to your lips. The two of you began to tip toe across the room but a creaking floorboard gave you away, "Who's there?"

"Alright, you got us." You glance quickly at Terezi and urge him to walk over. "Feferi right," you say as the two of you approach her, "Nice job disguising your voice but we figured it out."

Right before you reached her she whirled around, her hair flaring out behind her. "Did you?" she screamed, revealing grotesque makeup that gave her a terrifying and haunted appearance.

"Woah!" you jumped back with a yelp and Terezi steadied you through a bout of laughter.

"Okay, that was good," she tells Feferi. Terezi leaned in and sniffed the air, "Ah okay, that's why [Y/N] was so scared. Nice job."

She gives you a proud smile, "Thank you! I thought of it my-shell-f." She smiled at you although her makeup made even that look unsettling. "I wasn't too scale-ry though, was I?"

You laughed sheepishly, "No, of course not. I was just startled, that's all."

Feferi clapped her hands and handed you both a small handful of candy corn from her cauldron. "You've passed the final room," she said and you popped a piece of candy into your mouth as you left the room.

The two of you went through the final door and emerged on the other side of the house. The rest of the group were already out there waiting. Some looking more scared than others.

"How was it?" Dave asked upon noticing your arrival.

"I could have done without Vriska assaulting me," Terezi shrugged, "But it was fun."

"I agree, especially cause Terezi was with me," you say.

Terezi laughed and kissed you on the cheek, "Thanks [Y/N]"

A chorus of reactions came from the others but you ignored them all and just smiled at Terezi before returning the kiss.

This would be a Halloween to remember.

I hope you enjoyed this. Happy Halloween!

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