Feferi Peixes

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"I pick... Feferi!" You decide, grabbing her hand, "It'll be fun, and you can protect me."

Sollux grinned, "That's a cute sentiment, but you'll probably have to protect each other."

The others paired off as well and once everyone was ready, Jade took the lead, "Alright! Time to go!"

The group took a moment to gather up their things and headed over to where the haunted house was mostly set up. Once you arrived, Jade stepped forward once again to give a few reminders.

"We'll need a little time to prepare," she said, "You'll know when you can come in. Stay in your pairs as much as possible. And don't forget to have fun. See you later."

A few people broke away from the group and followed her inside to prepare. You smiled at Feferi, "Are you excited?"

Feferi played with a lock of her hair and nodded. "I'm a little nervous but with you I'm sure it will be fine," she declared and you giggled.

"Aww, thanks Fef. Same to you."

Just then, the sound of a bell rang out from inside the house and the door creaked open all on its own. The experience was about to begin.

At your request, you and Feferi waited for everyone else to go through part way first so that the two of you would be uninterrupted as you went through. You clutched her hand tightly as you entered the house.

Multicolored scribbles covered the walls. Some of it was words, some of them were pictures of gruesome acts and some of them were completely incomprehensible. There was no doubt about who had done these, Terezi.

The two of you moved quickly into the first room which was cold and made of stone. Rusted suits of armor lined either side, standing in front of banners that bore the signs of different aspects. "This must be Dave's room," you whisper.

"Which suit do you think is his?" Feferi whispered back, looking at the identical suits of armor.

You think for a moment and point at one at random, "That one."

Feferi leads you over to it carefully and peers into the visor. "Empty," he reported just as the suit right next to you swung its lance down, hitting the floor with a loud clanging noise.

You yelped and jumped back as Dave lifted his visor with an amused expression. "You were close," he said. "I was almost worried you would ruin my surprise."

You smiled at him, "You're good at staying still."

He shrugged, "Practice makes perfect. Anyway, congrats on finishing the final room." He bowed deeply and waved the two of you onward.

The two of you continued onwards into the second room that had been set up like a forest. The trees pressed in on you on either side. Feferi took your hand and the two of you walked side by side, glancing around nervously.

A howl rang through the trees and you squeezed your eyes shut as something landed in front of you. Both you and Feferi shrieked and you opened your eyes just a sliver to see Jade crouching before you, dressed as an eerily realistic werewolf.

She grinned at you, revealing rows of sharp teeth. "Did I get you?"

You smiled shakily, "Definitely."

Feferi laughed, relaxing next to you and gave Jade a pat on the head. "An excellent costume and scare," she said.

Jade nodded, "Two rooms down, one more to go," she told you and allowed the two of you to continue on into the final room.

This room was darker than the last although it was quite similar in décor.

The only difference was that now the trees were no longer covered in leaves, but barren and dying. Branches like fingers, reached out for you as you walked and you shivered.

"This sure is creepy," you whisper to Feferi.

"Yeah," she whispered back, "Who do you think is in this room?"

Before you could answer, a dark figure dropped down from the trees before you and yowled. You and Feferi jumped back with a scream.

"Got mew!" Nepeta cheered, getting to her feet. Her claws retracted with a click and she patted both of you on the head, "I hope I didn't scare mew too much."

You smiled, her energy meant that you couldn't really stay scared for long. "No, I'm alright," you gasped, "Right Feferi?"

Feferi nodded in agreement, "That was just the right amount of scale-ry," she said.

"Good," Nepeta smiled and spread her arms, "Congratulations! Mew two passed the final room."

Feferi pulled all three of you into a tight group hug before taking your friend and squeezing it reassuringly.

The two of you went through the final door and emerged on the other side of the house. The rest of the group were already out there waiting. Some looking more scared than others.

"How was it?" Jade asked upon noticing your arrival.

"So much fun!" Feferi cheered, "I was a little scared, but with [Y/N] I'd gladly do it again."

"Same here," you agreed with a smile on your face, "I loved doing that with you."

Feferi laughed and kissed you on the cheek, "Thanks [Y/N]"

A chorus of reactions came from the others but you ignored them all and just smiled at Feferi before returning the kiss.

This would be a Halloween to remember.

I hope you enjoyed this. Happy Halloween!

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