13 - Dueling

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(a/n- ok listen i know i said that last chapter would be the last one of today but i swear i went crazy and wrote another chapter, i'll leave you guys on a cliffhanger until tomorrow 8:00AM EST ;)

It had been a couple months since i was kicked out of L'manburg, it kinda still hit me hard when i saw Wilbur, but I barely saw him since I hang out in Dream SMP 24/7.

"George~" I hear Dream basically hunting down George.
I couldn't help, all I did was laugh with Sapnap, i had to wipe tears off my face because of how funny it was seeing Dream and George go around in circles chasing each other.

Georgenotfound was slain by Dream.

After a while, I got really bored. Sitting around looking at the fish got boring, so I did what any other War General would do. I grabbed my Dream SMP walkie talkie, and called out to them. I still had my L'manburg one, but it was deactivated by Wilbur, i had it just in case I was in huge trouble.

"Meeting. Community house. 5 minutes. Hurry up, boys." 2 minutes passed and everyone was there except Dream.

"Where's Dream?"
"Right behind you" I heard Dream say. He gave me a hug from behind, almost lifting me off the ground. After a while he let me go, and I announced what I wanted to do.

"I want to get you guys to practice PvP,. After seeing George not fight back, I got the idea. What do you say Dream?"
"I don't know Y/N..."
"Pleaseeeeeeeeeee?" I put puppy eyes. He always falls for those.

I realized that both countries signed a waiver to have a week of peace, so basically all killing had to have consent by both parties. It was my idea, since I wanted to hang out with Tommy. I invited L'manburg over to the arena i built a while back. They all came except Wilbur, guess he didn't want to see me.

"Alright. Choose who you want to duel. Each person has to choose someone from the opposite team. This is all for practice, so dont get bitchy when you die to us."

"THIS SEEMS BIASED Y/-" Fundy had said.
Fundy immediately stopped responding. He hates when i cut him off using PSPSPSPS.

After a couple duels, it was George vs me. I switched up the rules so we could battle anyone, since i really wanted to battle Dream. He had been getting on my nerves the past WEEK, i had to release some anger towards him.

The duel worked like this.
1. Meet at the middle, (no PvP while in the middle), face opposite ways, walk 10 paces away.
2. At the words "Fire", you could start dueling.
3. No potions of any sort, only for healing after duels.

Me and George met in the middle, and I took my hand out for him to shake, and he shook it. Good. If he didn't id probably break rule 1.

"Good luck Y/N, you're going to need it."
"Please, i'd make you scream in 2 hits."
He laughed at me, and i spawned in my axe.

"THAT WAS COOL Y/N, VERY COOL." Dream had screamed from the side. I supported him in his duel with Sapnap, and he did the same in my duel. I looked at George, and he looked at me. I signed "fuck you" in sign language, and I think only Sapnap, Dream, and Tommy understood. They were dying of laughter on the side, and i just let out a chuckle at George's confused face. I turned around and so did he.

"OKAY. OKAY. paces,


I turned around and shot George with an arrow of harming. "THAT DID LIKE 5 HEARTS! HOW IS THAT NOT AGAINST THE RULES, WHAT THE" George had complained
"SHUT UP AND FIGHT, BITCH" I replied, hitting him with my axe.

A while went by, and we were both at 1 heart. No healing was allowed in the arena, so we had to just duel. I ran towards him when he was charging his crossbow, almost breaking my leg in the process of running.

Georgenotfound was slain by Indigo.

"LETS FUCKING GO Y/N, THATS MY GIRL. WOOOOOOOOOO" I hear Tommy cheer from the sidelines. I laugh and see George walking out of the community house. "THAT WAS BULLSHIT, Y/N." He had started complaining to Dream, and all he did was yawn and roll his eyes. "All is fair in love and war, Gogy!" "THAT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE Y/N. YOURE NOT EVEN GOOD YOURE JUST STACKED." I laughed at his comment, and heard Dream say words that I did not want to hear.

"Y/N, lets duel."
"Cmon, you killed me before."
"Whatever, just duel me. It's just for fun anyways!"

I sighed and we met at the middle. We were really close to each other, i could literally feel his cold breath on my face. I bit off the top of the regeneration potion, and threw it up in the air, landing on both of us. We separated a bit, waiting for the potion to heal us up. Once it did, I motioned to Tommy to count us down.

" 10 paces, fire."

I turned around and immediately got shot by an arrow. I jumped in the water and swam toward where Dream was standing, and broke the block under him. I almost drowned at how much i was laughing when i heard him get out of the water, protesting that he was soaking wet. After a couple seconds of me swimming around, I finally reached surface for air. I had my crossbow loaded, and shot it at Dreams back. He jumped, and turned around. I got out of the water and looked at him.

"Missed me, Dweam?"
"I'm simply just built different."
"Y/N THATS MY LINE. THATS PURPLEDS LINE." Purpled had screamed from the side, still covering up cuts from his duel with Tommy, he lost horribly. I had gotten close to Dream, and we held shields up to each other.

I laughed. "Why are you laughing?" Dream had asked. "You make it too easy, it's sometimes saddening!" I stuck my axe in his thigh, and saw his eyes widen. Should have covered your whole body with the shield. He shot me with his fire aspect bow before...

Dream was slain by Indigo.


Indigo burnt to a crisp while fighting Dream.

Laughter erupted from the sidelines, and I had spawned in the community house. Dream was already at the arena, wheezing like a tea kettle.

He wiped a tear from his eye, and i had pushed him playfully. Tommy ran up and hugged me, and kept repeating "YOURE BETTER THAN HIM" in a singing voice. I had spent a good time talking with everyone before i got interrupted by a loud beep from L'manburg's walkie talkies.

My walkie talkie only worked for emergency buttons. I immediately stood up, and Dream grabbed my hand.

"You're not part of them, remember?" He laughed. I didn't. I stayed serious.
"Wilbur never presses that button."
Everyone got serious, the people from L'manburg knew I was right. I started running to the coordinates that was announced on the walkie talkie. It repeats until someone gets in a 10 block radius of the coordinates.

I saw Wilbur on the ground, with something on top of him. I got closer and gasped. Wilbur looked at me, and the man on top turned to me. Dream had made it to me first. He put his hand in front of me, warning me not to step closer.

"Well. Hello Y/N. Long time no see."

"Get off, Jschlatt."

A/N- YEP, that was a good chapter, i enjoyed writing it. Fun fact, i was listening to Tommy's playlist when i got the idea, and it switched to Jschlatts playlist, which gave me the idea of the end.

Next chapter: more fighting, maybe a new character? ;)

(1369 words, FUNNY NUMBER 69 LOL)

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