18 - The White War

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As war tradition, we all had to meet up at the middle and shake hands with the role you shared. Presidents shook hands, War Generals, Right hand men/women, etc. It had been snowing for the past couple hours, snow was piling up on the sides of the wooden path.

Dream walked up to the middle, and Wilbur walked up. They shook hands. I couldn't help from laugh at the fact that Dream wiped his hands on his hoodie as if Wilburs hands were disgusting. Then a song popped up in my head.

Centuries. Fall Out Boy. Good song to hum when we were in the middle of a war. George and Tommy, right hand men, walked up to the middle, and shook hands. Sapnap and Tubbo shook hands, they were the Secretary of State.

Then War General came up. I walked forward, and started rocking on my feet, still humming the song. Wilbur had to step up. When nobody had the role, the president had to shake hands. I scoffed when Wilbur looked at me, and laughed.

You weren't supposed to talk, but I couldn't help myself. I started singing softly.

"Just one mistake... is all it will take, we'll go down in history........"

I stuck out my hand boldly, and Wilbur shook it.

"Remember me for centuries."

I turned around confidently, still humming the song. Wilbur was stuck in place, it was honestly very funny. I made it back to my place, and Wilbur was still standing there. Dream looked at me confused, and all i did was shrug.

"i didn't do nun" He chucked, and looked back at the other team. The last one was the troops. People that didn't have roles. Eret, Fundy, Jack, and Niki all walked up to Punz, who was already there, looking back at us every now and then. I gave Punz 2 thumbs up as a way to calm him down, he always got nervous when interacting with them. They shook hands, and Punz ran back to us.

"Improper, Punz. Shaking my head."
"Shut up." Punz said in between small giggles.

The groups separated. There wasn't exactly a battlefield. Everything we stepped on was able to be fought on. I walked back to the community house, but felt dizzy over stress. I passed out, falling onto George's hands.

I woke up a couple minutes after, everyone looking down at me. Dream was cursing silently under his breath. I sat up and looked at them, they were all shocked.

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked.
"HOW IN THE EVERLOVING FUCK DID YOU WAKE UP SO FAST?" Sapnap replied, basically screaming. I laughed and got up, and chugged water.

"Don't we have a war to win, gentlemen?" I replied.

They all cheered and ran over to L'manburg, staying hidden of course. I watched as Wilbur screamed at the men to get them hyped up. I used to do that, i'm glad to see they kept the tradition. They started playing Hamilton, I knew it. They're huge Hamilton fans, Tommy would sing it every day. Our walks through the forests were just us singing Hamilton.

I smiled, but shook it off after Dream said he'd start shooting, and that I should go down as a distraction. I jumped down and spawned in my axe, basically scaring the shit out of them. I stared at Wilbur, and he looked so fucking scared. Jack sprinted towards me, so I had to fight him first.

*Clink* *Clank* He dropped to the ground, I finished him off after he started rambling about his levels.

Thunder1408 was slain by Indigo.

The snow was stained red of Jack's blood. I turned back to Wilbur. Long gone. Fucking hell. I looked up at where Dream was, and he pointed to Purpled's UFO. Me and Purpled got along well, so i'm sure he wouldn't mind if I went up and fought there. I went up, and no one was there. Did they leave?

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