16 - Gates

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(thank you for the nonstop support, we made it to 4k views which made my heart just melt. i got the amazing opportunity to meet all of you, and i wouldn't change it for the world. ily! enjoy this chapter!)

I woke up. It's been a week since the whole Quackity incident. I haven't seen Quackity or Schlatt since. Hope they're gone for good. I blasted Hamilton music, I was in a very good mood.

Now Playing:
Aaron Burr, Sir - Lin Manuel Mir...
0:34 —•———————3:20

I liked that song, it really brought out a different me. I was making breakfast for the Dream Team, so I was just vibing.

"Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, Sir? That depends, who's asking? Oh sure, sir. I'm Alexander Hamilton, i'm at your service-"

I guess i didn't notice Dream wake up.

"You're up bright and early. What's with the whole music?"

He laughed at me get scared at him, and walked over to the stove. He put his chin on top of my shoulder.

"Whatcha making?"
"Food, go sit down."
"Okay miss feisty"

I rolled my eyes playfully and gave him the food i made. Crepes, it was everyone's favorite. I was in a good mood, so I decided to cook.

"I'm guessing the smell woke you 3 up."
"Yep, crepes?"

After eating and cleaning up, Wilbur called me on my walkie talkie.

"Y/N, come to L'manburg gates. Over."
"Her walkie talkie is disabled. Over."
"Shut up Tommy, it's not. Over."
"On my way, Wilbur. Over and out." I replied. Dream staring at me from the couch.

"Where ya going?"
"Wilbur called me."
His smile dropped.
"I'm coming with."
"No Dream."
"I'll stay silent, or hidden. Please?"
"Ugh, fine. Lets go."

I put on my silent boots and walked over to the gates of L'manburg. Everyone was there waiting for me.

"Wilbur." I nodded, greeting him. He did the same.
"I'd like to know why I saw Dream walking into L'manburg a couple hours back."
I coughed. "Pardon me?"
"Dream was on our land. At 05:52AM. I have proof."
"Show me."

Wilbur took out a printed photo of Dream obviously in the walls of L'manburg.

"Please excuse him, I had no idea he was-"
"Nope. We had an agreement. Nobody was allowed to step foot in here if they were part of Dream SMP. You broke a rule."
"I'm sorry? Wilbur, you're being immature. 1: You're acting like it's my fault that Dream walked into L'manburg. 2: He knows about the agreement, i'm sure it's a misunderstand-"
"You didn't know? I thought he told you everything."
"He does not. He is allowed to have is privacy."
"Oh so you're not dating him?"

I fell into silence, and Tommy and I exchanged glances.

"You're really getting me pissed off, Soot. What do you want?"

"For Dream to pay."
"No way. Us paying over him walking into L'manburg by accident? You're funny."
"It wasn't on accident, Y/N. He knows the deal. Are you trying to start a war here?"

"Even if I did start a war, you wouldn't be ready." I sternly replied back. Wilbur tackled me, knocking me down 5 whole hearts (A/N- aggressive much 🙄🙄🙄).

He took out a sword and almost stabbed me. I luckily dodged it, and Dream landed on the ground after staying in the trees, listening to our conversation.

"ENOUGH." Dream had said, lending me a hand to get up. I ignored it and got up myself.

"It seems to me as if YOU were trying to start a war, Soot."
"No way Y/N."
"Explain what just happened. It seems to me as if you lost control of yourself, and tackled me. I wanted NO HARM, WILBUR SOOT. NO HARM." I said sternly, almost shocking everyone in the entire server, even the ones that were too far to even hear.

"You want a war? A war you've got. See you on the battlefield."

I walked away, leaving Wilbur shocked. Dream had followed close behind.

We walked back to the community house, and I slammed the door in rage.

"DEAD. I WANT HIM DEAD." Rage was overwhelming me.
"Y/N you don't mean that." George replied, obviously still confused.
"You don't understand, George. He's blaming ME for something I DIDNT EVEN KNOW ABOUT."
"Y/N it was my fault-" Dream had said, but i cut him off.

"No way. If he wants to play aggressive, i'll play aggressive. If he wants a war, a war he has fucking got." I walked out of the house, ignoring Dream and Sapnaps pleads to stay with them. I slammed the door and ran to the hill. Luckily no one was there. I threw myself down, and laid on the grass. I heard very small footsteps.

"Fundy, go back to L'manburg."

He whimpered and laid his head on my chest. I gave in and started petting him, making him fall asleep on an instant. More footsteps were heard, which made me open my eyes. The broken sunlight shined through the trees, and landed on Tommy's golden hair. He sat down beside me, running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry Y/N."
"Sorry for what? It wasn't your fault."
"I just feel like I could have done something. Something to prevent this from happening."
"He wants a war, Tommy. He's still mad at me over 'making a war happen in front of everyone.' He doesn't even know the full story."
"What was the full story then, Y/N?"

I told him about Dream sending me a warning, before Wilbur kicked me out of L'manburg. Tommy sighed and laid down with me. Didn't even get 2 minutes to ourselves. We barely get time together.

"Tommy, Fundy. Up, please."

Fundy yawned and lifted his head, and i helped him get up. Tubbo seemed mad, but at the same time, really disappointed.

"Wilbur told me to get you two. Oh and Y/N, we need our walkie talkie back."

My heart went thousands of miles per second. It was deactivated, why would he want it back?

I sighed and handed it to Tubbo, I knew he meant no harm. I didn't want to start an argument with him, so I said nothing. I picked up Fundy, and handed him to Tommy, giving both of them a kiss on the head.

I smiled slightly and went back to the community house. Dream stood up and just hugged me. I hugged back, confused as to what just happened. They all came up and hugged me, why?

"What's this for?" I asked, slightly panicking at the fact that i'm losing air by how tight they're hugging me.

Dream let go first, and just looked at me. I gave him the most confused look ever, and all he did was chuckle. "You did so much for us, and you're still trying so hard to keep us at peace."

"Didn't she just start a war-" Punz had asked, but was shut up by Sapnap covering his mouth, followed by small awkward giggles from Sapnap. I giggled at his comment, and upstairs to the fish. George followed behind and sat in front of me. He smiled energetically, and I smiled back.

"You're so giggly today, what's up?"
"I'm just happy that we can finally crush L'manburg again! And with you on our team, we're bound to win!"

Oh shit. Doesn't that mean I need to fight Tommy?


A/N- i made this at 3 am please excuse any wrong grammar/spelling, thank u!

(1226 words)

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